The White Pack

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"So, will you or will you not?"

I stared at the man named Robert. He stood tall in front of me, playing with a small knife in his hands. He looked like a fake Alpha; it was obvious that he was the leader of this group of rouges.

I woke up in a tent and was strapped to a chair, my body unable to move and my head pounding. The ropes were bound really tight, blood seeping from my wrists with every movement and my ankles burning.

"I would rather die than train your youngs," I spat in his face. Literally. I watched as my blood tainted saliva dripped down his angry face.

A growl escaped his throat and he punched me in the face, my head whipping back. My nose was already bleeding and i could tell i had a bruise somewhere on my face, the pain something i had never experienced.

"Try again!" He growled.

"Fu*k you." I whispered, looking down.

I felt his foot hit my chest as he kicked me with so much force that my chair fell backwards and the back of my head hit the ground with force. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for for the darkness that soon over took me.


Regaining consciousness, i awoke with a pounding headache. I could feel sticks and rocks against my back as i held a hand to my head. Opening my eyes, i cringed at the sunlight and let out a groan.

I sat up and searched my surroundings. I was in the forest. A place i had never seen before. I slowly stood up and dusted my clothes. What was i doing here? And how did i get here?

I massaged my temples thinking of anything i could remember. But i found nothing. I remembered who i was, Drake, but not anything else.

I started walking forward, eager for answers when i heard growls behind me. I turned around to see three wolves come into view. The first was huge and dark brown, must be the Alpha and the other two were grey and smaller.

I put my hands behind my head and bowed, showing submission. All three of them shifted back to naked human form.

The Alpha was fairly old while other two were twins around my age.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my territory?" The Alpha asked.

"My name is Drake and what i am doing in your territory, i have no clue."

They all raised their eyebrow and exchanged confused expressions.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I woke up here and i can't seem to remember anything."

There was a pause as they took this in.

"How do we know you're not lying?" One of the twins asked.

"Don't be stupid, Jay. Look at his face, he was obviously attacked by rouges." The other twin said, nudging his brothers shoulder.

I touched my face and rubbed it. When i pulled back, there was dry blood on my hands. I cringed.

"You seem to be telling the truth. Follow me and we'll see what we can do. But one step out of line and i'll kill you." The Alpha warned. I nodded and watched as they all shifted. I shifted too and followed them.

We ran for about 15 minutes until a mansion came into view. It looked like a three story. The boys went behind a tree and shifted and when they came back, they all wore a pair of black basket ball shorts.

I shifted infront of them and was suprised to find my clothes still on. I looked up and saw that the Alpha had a smirk on his face.

"We seem to have a pack warrior boys." I gave him a questioning look and he chuckled. "Witches only put spells on clothes if they're pack warrior." I nodded. That made sense. Ok, so my name is Drake and i'm a Pack Warrior. But to what pack?

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