He's Fully Awake

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"Good. Let them kill him." 

There were snickers around the cells, the room suddenly filled with it. Skylar frowned and looked down, her grasp on the cell bars tightening. 

Dustin growled. 

"Shut up." Skylar whispered.

The men continued to talk.

"Shut up!" She yelled, her voice loud and strong. 

Everyone went silent. Her mate even stopped growling, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"None of you know the kind of man my brother is. None of you can judge him!" She yelled, her voice growing louder and louder until she was growling.


"I'm sorry but I can't stand people who would even think they can talk such words about someone whom they know nothing about." She growled, looking behind her and glaring at the rouge who had said that.

"Skylar, where's the keys to my cell?" Dustin asked slowly, caution taken in his words. He had never seen his mate like this.

"I think it's in the office," she said lowly, continuing to glare at the rouge.

"Look at me." Dustin demanded, reaching out to grab her chin and forcing her to look at him. He frowned when he noticed her eyes were much darker than their natural colour. "I need you to get the key."

She nodded once before turning around and running.

"Be careful!"

She was gone, leaving him staring at the spot where she had just been. Realizing that if he's not fast enough, Robert could actually die and who knows how his mate would react to that. 

Cursing loudly, he turned around as he kicked the ground.

He felt it again, just then. His wolf stirred a little.

The news of his pack, his family and friends coming to save him was a happy surprise but his happiness came falling down as he learned more about this attack.

Running up the stairs as fast as her legs and stamina allowed her, Skylar came face to face with total bloodshed.

Wolves fighting other wolves. Some lay motionless on the ground, blood oozing out of all areas imaginable and some with bones twisted and broken in shocking manners.

Her eyes darted everywhere, searching for the only family member she has left. Her palms became sweaty as her eyes failed to find the familiar face. Her mind came up with quick conclusions but her heart rejected every single one of them.

No, she can feel him here.

A hand wrapped over her mouth and another around her waist as she was dragged back into the cells, the door closing in her face.

Panic settled in her gut as she struggled to free herself.

"What are you doing out there?"

The hands released her and quickly turned her around, now holding her by the shoulders. Her eyes met an identical pair, exactly like their mothers.

"Rob? Oh gosh, I got so worried." She breathed, pulling him in for a hug.

There was no time for this, she needed to go somewhere safe.

"You need to go, now." He pushed her off and looked her straight in the eyes.

"No, I can't leave like this."

"Yes! Skylar listen, I want you to run. Run as fast as you can and as far as you can."

She shook her head as she began to cry.

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