03|the soaring power

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The young man yawned, carrying his schoolbag on one shoulder, and walked into the gate of Shiratorizawa seemingly leisurely but quickly, and pressed his sore neck with his hands.

Last night, I followed the training habits of my previous life that I overlook the time. After I finished my studies, I went to bed late. In addition, I have not practised for a long time, and my body still felt a little sore after suddenly doing it for so many hours.

He had learned his lesson this time and entered the building only after seeing the teaching building. Although he tried his best to ignore all the gazes looking at him, he had to admit that he can't completely do so since he had never experienced such things in his previous life.

——Even if the same thing has happened in his previous life, it was completely ignored by him who considers himself 'ordinary'.

Kobayashi Aotori quickened his pace with a headache, but a voice came from behind: "Ko-Kobayashi-san! Please wait!!"

He paused, turned around calmly, looked at the girl who was trotting until her breath was unsteady, and his eyes fell on the bangs of the other party, with a slight flicker of light in his eyes.
Today is the sky blue hairpin.

Unaware that the 'cold' Kobayashi Aotori in front of her was evaluating her hair accessories today, Tomoko Ito walked beside him a little awkwardly and unconsciously clenched the strap of her schoolbag with the hand on the side.

The two walked side by side on the stairs, Kobayashi Aotori listened to Tomoko Ito talking about last night's homework and then talked about the latest volleyball magazine, and finally slowly turned the topic completely to volleyball.

Kobayashi Aotori put one hand in his pocket, raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned to look at the excited Tomoko Ito, "Is Ito-san from the girl's volleyball club?"

Tomoko Ito's words stopped abruptly, her originally high-spirited expression froze, her shining eyes dimmed a little bit, and her gentle voice became calmer:"...I'm too short haha... but it's mainly because of some accidents, I can't do strenuous exercise anymore, Kobayashi-san."

"!" Kobayashi Aotori's eyes flickered, he felt that he had said something wrong, but unfortunately his experience of communicating with girls is almost zero.

He thought to make an apologetic expression, but unfortunately, he can't find the right way to express it.

Fortunately, Tomoko Ito didn't seem to want to continue to communicate more about her injury. She quickly sorted out her emotions, squinted her eyes, and looked at Kobayashi Aotori with a smile:
"It doesn't matter, watching volleyball is also something worth loving for me."

Kobayashi Aotori's expression froze. He saw the eyes of this girl who was very shy when talking about the usual topics  gradually became stronger:

"Although I can't play volleyball anymore... But just looking at the field, I don't know why, I have a feeling that I am also there, and the spiritual empathy is simply a whole level up!"

She grinned and bared her canine teeth, holding her schoolbag in one hand, watching the dazed Kobayashi Aotori tilt his head, Tomoko Ito said lightly:
"The audience eyes never leave you, the players standing on the court!!"

Kobayashi Aotori looked at the expression in those grey-purple eyes, blinked blankly, and said word by word: "Audience, are you watching all the players...?"

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