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The setting sun shines on the side of the road, warm and golden. The big yellow dog on the side of the road lay lazily on the ground, feeling the residual heat of the sun.

A tall figure passed it unhurriedly, it raised its eyes lazily, and the next moment the other party had already appeared in the distance.

Seemingly unable to understand how the unhurried pace could be so fast, the yellow dog tilted his head, finally gave up thinking, and fell back to the ground with a "woo".

The figure running over was Kobayashi. He was still wearing Shiratorizawa's team uniform. Today's training ended earlier, so he decided to run for a while and a little further to go to the Sakanoshita store to buy bento.

His dark blue hair fluttered with the wind, and the length of the wolf's tail reached his neck. His brown eyes stared fixedly ahead, sweat flowed down his cheeks into the air, and his eyes were slightly squinted by the warm yellow light.

He stepped into the Sakanoshita store, and the owner, Ukai, looked up at him, noticing the uniform-style sportswear on him, raised his eyebrows, but didn't make many expressions.
After all, what does the volleyball world have to do with him?

Kobayashi instinctively ignored Ukai's gaze. He turned to the shelf, bent down to look at the types of bento on it, thought for a moment, picked up one that suited his taste, and went to get a few bottles of energy drinks.

He didn't forget that the last time he was here because of thinking too long, something embarrassing happened, and he planned to pay the bill as soon as he finished.

Suddenly, the tip of his ear moved slightly, and he heard the noisy voice outside.

"Hinata!!  Don't run!" It was a panting and gentle voice.

"Ahahaha! It's rare for Daichi to treat you today. Hurry up, the buns will be gone in a while!" It was a rough voice.
Kobayashi Aotori didn't hear the content of the conversation clearly, and he didn't think much about it.

He carried his things and walked to the front desk, but the person in front of him suddenly stopped in his tracks--
Daichi looked at the familiar face in front of him in shock.

The dark blue-haired boy lowered his eyes to pay the bill, tilted his head, squeezed his sore neck, did not raise his eyes to look at him, but settled the bill neatly, and was about to walk out with the shopping bag in his hand.

Suddenly remembering that Kageyama and others were at the door, Daichi had no time to react and subconsciously grabbed Kobayashi's sleeve--

Kobayashi, who was pulled, frowned slightly, turned around, and saw the familiar black sportswear. He blinked, and something flashed in his brown eyes, accompany by well-hidden helplessness.

This person... is Daichi, right?

He blurted out: "From the Karasuno volleyball club?"

Daichi froze, as if he didn't realize that he had made such an impolite move, let alone that the opponent recognized his team uniform.

"Hey-Daichi-senpai is too slow-isn't it just to buy a bag...." A figure opened the door recklessly and choked halfway through his words.

Because he saw their prudent captain, Sawamura Daichi. At this moment, he was tugging on a person's sleeve with a bad expression, as if he was trying to find fault with the other person.

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