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Seeing Kobayashi Aotori's dissatisfaction and anger overflowing on the surface, Akaashi sighed softly, and then said loudly:
"Bokuto-senpai! Didn't you say that you have to wait for Kobayashi-san to come and let him take a good look at Fukurodani's strength?"

Bokuto paused and turned his head in confusion: "Did I say that?"

"Right, Konoha-senpai?." After saying that, Akaashi turned to look at Konoha and the others beside him. They understood instantly and echoed:
"You told us!"
"Yes! You also said he wanted to beat Aotori!"
"Bokuto is so powerful, he is an ace, so of course this is a must!"

Therefore, in the eyes of Kobayashi Aotori, Bokuto's face, which was still very puzzled at first, changed rapidly. In an instant, became fluttering, and with his hands on his hips, he laughed confidently:
"Hahaha! That's for sure!"

Then he looked down at the sitting Kobayashi Aotori with his head held high and a confident look on his face, and he laughed twice:
"Get ready to appreciate the power of Fukurodani!"

Aotori blinked, and then nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, okay, okay, go ahead and I will keep an eye on you."

Hearing Aotori's fast acceptance, Bokuto also intuitively understood most of Bokuto's meaning. He said "hey" excitedly, and then strutted back to the volleyball court.
——And Kobayashi Aotori is actually tired at this moment after playing with Bokuto.

After all, at least there are teammates in the game, and they can be a little buffer, so that they will not always maintain a high-intensity state.
But it's different from playing with Bokuto. The opponent is like a chicken. I don't know why this guy doesn't seem to be in a negative state in front of me. He hasn't received a ball for nearly an hour, but he is gradually getting more excited.

...At least I still saw the Fukurodani training. Although the sacrifice was a bit big, he didn't have any strength to study.

As everyone knows, after Aotori left, the Fukurodani Volleyball Club held a meeting specifically for his dozens of serves this afternoon.
——The kind without Bokuto.

At this time, Aotori looked at Fukurodani's cooperation on the court. He held his chin with one hand and took off his baseball cap with the other hand, with a hint of seriousness in his expression.

It has to be said that although Bokuto's state changes quickly, there is no doubt about his personal ability and overall strength.
The diagonal shot just now seemed ordinary, but Kobayashi Aotori felt that he was not sure about the next move.
Both speed and strength are far superior to ordinary aces.
...he is easier to feel depressed.

So why does he become more courageous and excited when he can't receive his service? He couldn't figure it out.

Kobayashi Aotori: Not happy.

The sound of sneakers rubbing against the ground was very violent, and Aotori's expression gradually changed from speechless to serious.

He held his chin with one hand, and his dark blue short hair spread out at some point and was slightly blown by the cool breeze outside the window. His narrow eyes were focused, looking at the figure leaping high in front of him and the earth-shattering sound——

Seeing Bokuto's excited expression after landing, Aotori unconsciously had a smile on his face.
As expected of Kotaro Bokuto, even he would feel happy when he sees such a ball and such an expression.
His fingers were tapping gently on the armrest of the chair, time-tapping, unknowingly coinciding with the rhythm of the game and the majestic and powerful heartbeat.

Although it is hot at noon in midsummer, once it reaches the afternoon, the cool breeze comes down quietly, and he moisturizes things silently, forming a strong contrast with Bokuto's earth-shattering movements.

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