50|Aotori solo travel

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Standing alone outside, Kobayashi Aotori looked at Shiratorizawa who was leaving in the car, staring at the way everyone waved to him with dead eyes.
Everyone didn't hesitate at all about abandoning me...?

It seems that I am indeed a dispensable background character... Aotori looked calm on the face, but crying on the inside.

Before leaving, the teacher advisor told him that if Aotori's parents hadn't owned a house in Tokyo, he would have rented a house to Aotori every month.
——In the car, the teacher advisor looked at Coach Washijo who was resting with his hands folded on his chest and his eyes closed. There was doubt in his eyes. He didn't understand why Coach Washijo made such a decision.

If it was just for information, there would be no need to leave Kobayashi Aotori, the team's ace player, in Tokyo, right? Wouldn't this delay the team's training?

Although it doesn’t take much to think about it, other teams in the Tokyo training camp will not reject Kobayashi Aotori. More players will probably look forward to his visit. After all, he is an indispensable force for Shiratorizawa to win the IH championship.

If they can communicate with this kind of person, they may benefit a lot from just a few casual conversations.
Therefore, the teacher advisor could not understand Coach Washijo's decision even more.

It seemed that the presence of his gaze was too strong. Washijo slowly opened his eyes. The teacher beside him immediately looked away, but he could not avoid Washijo's attention.

Looking at the teacher advisor who forced his gaze straight ahead and suppressed his inner confusion, coach Washijo raised his eyebrows, his cold expression unchanged, and then he chuckled:
"Are you wondering why I left Kobayashi Aotori alone in Tokyo?"

After being exposed, he no longer tried to hide it, but turned around and said sincerely: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Coach Washijo looked like he had expected it. He crossed his arms and looked at the smooth road in front of him. The quiet team members behind him seemed to be resting, but unexpectedly they all pricked up their ears——
Just because they are also curious!
Especially Hayato Yamagata was happy and distressed that he might not be able to train with Kobayashi Aotori for most of the summer vacation.

I was happy that I no longer had to face such varied servings all day long. Although he also has trouble receiving Ushijima service.
But Kobayashi Aotori's services are different. He can catch every ball. The high-intensity observation and calculation make his brain cells almost die. Just because you can catch it, does not mean that you can catch it.

Therefore, as a libero, it is far more tiring to catch the ball from Kobayashi Aotori that may be saved than the ball from Ushijima Wakatoshi that will never be received.

Therefore, what worries him is that he has not faced such a ball during the summer vacation, and wonders whether it will be more painful after school starts.

——Of course, others don't know Yamagata Hayato's thoughts, but everyone has the same problem. They are a little uncomfortable that Kobayashi Aotori is unable to participate in daily training.

So at this moment when coach Washijo was about to express his thoughts, almost everyone pricked up their ears, whether they were concentrating with their eyes closed, looking out the window in a daze, or playing with their phones with their heads down.

So, in the silent car, he said slowly: "Because the Aotori is more like a sponge than a sharp blade."

"I don't know why, but it can be seen that he probably didn't face many strong players in previous training. Because of this, when he had a large-scale competition with a strong player, he studied the strong player on the opposite side intently, and he showed His 'sponge' talent."

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