∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°✧A secret✧∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°

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After the last lesson, I agreed to walking home with Pavitr and made sure to check if I had enough time left, in case I had something important to do.
Wich I didn't, so now we were standing infront of his front door, knocking loudly so his aunt will hear it. She opened the door and was almost immediately embraced with a hug from Pavitr and a big smile.
"Hello, mrs. Prabhakar!" I said, while making my way inside too.
The older woman chuckled softly, "You can call me Maya, my dear."
I nodded as answer and then Pavitr led me to his room, showing me his small collection and giving me a comic to read when he went downstairs again to the kitchen, preparing some chai.
So I waited, reading a Spider-Man comic, until he came back again, a small smile pulling his lips upwards just slightly.
He placed the tea down onto the bed, so I could grab one of the cups and take a sip of it after blowing, to cool it down.
We sat in silence for a few more seconds, before I started talking, "Sooo, what did you wanna tell me?"
"I'll tell you, but promise me that you won't ever tell anyone. Please?"
"I will never tell anyone, alright? Now, just get to the part were you say it!"
I said, clearly excited. I loved to share secrets with others! I wasn't gonna tell anybody anyways, because I usually tended to forget them either way.
Pavitr looked at me, probably trying to find a way to tell me, hesitating for a moment.
Okay, I was not gonna forget that one now.
"Excuse me?? You're who now?"
"Spider-Man! You know, Prabhakar?"
I knew exactly what he meant, but something inside me said that couldn't be the truth, so I stared at him, dumb-founded and with disbelief.
He tries again, "I was the one that gave you your purse back..?"
And then it clicked and my heart gave a pang. "That was you?"
He only nodded.
I didn't know how to feel, but I knew I was kinda excited, nervous and I felt something else that I didn't quite understand.
"You are Spider-Man... that's uh- that's great!"
"It is?"
"Yes? Well, I don't know how to describe it but like, my friend is Spider-Man!"
Pavitr was a little surprised, but happy that I was being so optimistic about it.
Pavitr took a few slow breaths, continuing his sentence. "And I think you might turn into Spider-Man too- I mean Spider-woman!"
Despite his attempt to calm himself, the sentence was still said very fast so I almost wasn't able to catch it, but I understood what he was trying to say.
"Me?? No, I can't be Spider-woman! You're already Spider-Man and-...this is a lot to take in right now..!"
"I know, but it's the only way to explain what happened today! The whole thing with the 'getting hand stuck to the locker without any glue'. That doesn't just happen like that and also...it happened to me too!" The boy smiled reassuringly as he finished his sentence. I took another sip of the tea, to calm my nerves down.
I set the cup down again.
"Can I learn the thing with the swinging and web-shooting first?"


And yea, that's pretty much how we both ended up on this random building in the middle of Mumbattan. I looked down on the streets below. "Damn...could we not have chosen a smaller building...?"
Pavitr turned his head slightly, to look at me. "Uhm- this is the smallest building here, actually."
I looked back at him. "For real?"
He nodded and tossed something towards me. It was a tech of some kind that looked like a wristband.
I delicately turned it in my hands.
"I got it from HQ and it's a web-shooter. I prefer to use my damaru, but I think you'll like the other one better!"
With that, I put it on my wrist, making sure it wasn't gonna fall off.
"So what do I do now?"
"To make a web for swinging, you gotta press on that button." He took my hand, showing me what to do and explaining.
"So I just do this...and then start swinging?" I extend my hand, aiming it at a very distant skyscraper.
"Yes, just like that! But I still gotta explain how to actually swing after shooting a web, so-"
He was cut off as he heard a surprised yelp from me. I already shot the web and I could feel it tugging me forwards in an instant and when I pulled my arm back to dislodge the web again, I was already falling. I came closer to the ground in mere seconds but I barely missed it, hovering very closely over the ground as it got more and more faster. I looked behind me and saw Pavitr swinging after me. He jumped once more to wrap his arms around my torso tightly, clinging to me like a koala bear. The wind blew through his hair and he yelled something, so i'd be able to hear it over the wind. "Pull your arm down, then put it up again to make a new web and repeat!!"
I tried doing exactly what he said, pulling my arm down as quickly as I could, raising it again and shooting out a new web, repeating it over and over again, until we crashed on top of another building. Pavitr breathed heavily, asking me if I was okay.
I took stock of my body, sitting up.
"Can we do that again?"
He laughed at that, but soon stopped again to answer.
We ended up swinging from building to building, with my hood pulled up so nobody knew that it was me.
It wasn't like everyone knew who I was or anything like that, but safety first obviously.
We had a great afternoon, talking a lot and getting something to eat and drink from a small restaurant.
Pav told me he was gonna take me to some kind of place called HQ because he apparently really wanted me to see it.
I didn't know what he meant or where that was, but it was probably gonna be as good as today.


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