∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°✧opening up✧∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°

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It had been the same like always with the portal, getting dizzy at the end and feeling confused for a few seconds. But like Pavitr said, I was probably gonna get used to it after some time.
I sigh as I finally arrived at my apartment, opening the door and almost immediately running to my room and crashing on my bed. I sat up, tugging at my mask and pulling it of to hold it in my hands. The silence was almost turning into a faint ringing in my ears and minutes ticked by as I just sat there, looking at the mask in my hands. The vibrant colors on it and the cobweb pattern, weirdly burning my eyes.
Wait no, it wasn't the mask.
A single tear rolled down my cheek and dropped onto the bed. "Damnit, stupid fucking Spider-Man stuff. I hate you."
I mumbled out random nonsense, saying every thought that just came to mind.
Why does this have to happen to me?
"I already have so much shit in life and now this...whatever this is."
I swear I was more than just sure that I wasn't meant to be Spider-woman or anything like that.
However I had enough time to think about all that later, now I had more important things to do. Like my school work for example.


I rubbed my temples with both my fingers, feeling absolutely devasted after doing all my school work.
Well, until I heard that happy and enthusiastic voice all of a sudden. "Hey (Y/N)! I forgot to give you this back at Hobie's apartment!" Pavitr was right outside of my window, waving around with a cupcake in his hand.
I got up to open the window. He took of his mask and jerked his head backwards to get his hair out of his face.
"Thanks." Pavitr gave me the cupcake and I went to sit down on my couche, proceeding to bite in it until the question I knew that was gonna come up, slipped out of Pavitr's mouth ever so easily.
"Are you feeling ok? You don't look too good.."
"Wow, thanks."
"No, I didn't mean it like that!" He quickly said, adding, "I mean that you look...tired? Sad?"
"It's really nothing, don't worry Pav."
He sat down next to me on my couch with an unimpressed expression on his face.
"Mhm yea sure. You know you can talk to me about it, right?"
"I know.. just not now."
"Ok, but remember that i'm always here for you!"
Just before he could get up, I grabbed his arm and he turned to look back at me.
"Can you stay?" He sat back down.
"Sure! You wanna get some sleep or..?"
I only nodded and let my head fall onto his shoulder, instantly feeling the warmth. We sat like that for some minutes until my eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a nap.


I blinked a few times and woke up to a darkened room, looking around and noticing I was laying on something soft. I I groped around until I found my light switch over my bedside table and turned it on. Alright, I was definitely in my bed and my blanket was tucked securely under my shoulders.
"Are you feeling better?"
I turn a bit to see Pavitr, entering the room. "How long was I asleep..?" I sleepily sat up on my bed, turning, so I could put my feet on the floor and look at him better.
"Maybe some hours? Three or four I think!" He smiles at me. "You still want that cupcake?" "Uhh- later I guess."
He sat down next to me, moving so he could sit criss-cross. He starts talking, he sounded pretty worried. "Wanna talk about it now?"
"I dunno what you mean."
"We both know you're not feeling well. I'm sure it'd help to talk about it!"
I took a moment, slowly starting to talk but hesitating for a second. "I don't think i'm meant to be part of this whole... Spider-woman or whatever."
"Being Spider-Man is supposed to be somethin' cool! I should be happy but I already got so much shit in my life and it's just pure stress.."
"You don't wanna be Spider-woman?"
"That's fine! Yea, Mumbattan already got the one and only Pavitr prabhakar and I think i'll be fine if you don't wanna do this. I understand it's a bit stressful sometimes but if it really gets too much for you, just stop. I think it would be perfectly fine! I did this Spider-Man stuff alone before and i'll be alright to keep doing it like that." He send me a warm smile.
"I can just...stop?"
"I mean, I am sure that Miguel won't mind!" He waved his hand dismissively, still smiling.
"Who's Miguel?
"Miguel O'Hara! Our boss."
"Spider-Man has a boss?"
"Well, Miguel is kinda the one that made the whole spider society thing, so yea!"
"Wow..you sure that whole 'don't wanna be Spider-man thing' won't affect anyone?" "Nope, it'll be okay, i'm sure of it!"
"No problem! So, do you want the cupcake now?"


This chapter is only about getting closer to Pavitr and the realationship with him so I hope you enjoyed :)
(More action will appear in some later chapters cuz I wanna like, slowly build this up, yk?)

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