What its like dating Carl Grimes

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-Teenagers in love
-You guys grew up best friends 
-You two would always playfully fight and act like you hated each other 
-You fight like sibilings

Carl: Bitch
You: Asshole
Carl: Dumbass
You: Smart ass 
Carl: Coc-
Rick: Alright both of you tone it down 

-Once while travelling with them you found an abandoned shack type thing
-Inside was a bunch of food and even shower rooms
-Once all of you got out rick and michonne did their own thing while you and carl fought
-Hitting each other with towels, ruffling his hair and smothering him with a towel, chasing each other, throwing insults and overall laughing
-You fall asleep on his shoulder sometimes
-When you do he rests his head on yours and falls asleep too 
-He loves forehead kisses giving and receiving 
-Deep conversations are a must
-Taking long walks
-As you guys got older he got more quiet and reserved 
-It never caused much problems though 
-It actually made things better, he likes when you rant about things and he sits and listens and watches you and admires how amazing you are 
-He gets so insecure of his eye
-Tell him hes handsome every once in a while (:
-He likes putting his hat on you and just walking away
-Your the only person he lets touch and play with his hair
-He wont let you cut it because lori was the only one who did that 
-He likes when you braid his hair 
-You end up taking care of every wound he gets. He could do it himself but he would do a shitty job 
-So you always do it for him and he lets you, it does remind him a lot of lori though because he got hurt a lot when he was little scraping his knees getting cuts and lori would always clean and bandage them for him just like you do now 
-Desperately makes sure negan wont ever get close to you 
-His letter made you cry, it was all the things he never said ifykyk

Gosh i had a lot to say about carl 

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