Ron x Reader

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For this story you guys have phones

Today was a really boring day 

And like any other boring day, you went and saw Ron

But Ron always had been doing something 

You sat in Rons lap watching him play videogames as he sat there his chin resting on your head and he was very focused and not giving your attention


He didnt respond and kept mashing the buttons on the controller 

"Roon its way to hot out today" you groaned, you didnt know how ron survived always wearing beanies and pants and shit when its almost a hundred degrees outside

"Not my problem..." He grumbled as he stayed focused on his game

You groaned again and flopped on the bean bag beside the two of you, your back hitting it with your legs still draped over his legs. 

"Cmon its really hot outside" You turn on the fan and turn it towards you

"Not my fault your hot" He says with no enthusiasm 

You smirk "Aww you think im hot" You say jokingly 

He scrunches his face and shakes his head "What ew no, temperature hot" 

"Wow way to boost my ego" You roll your eyes and flop down on the bean bag chair 

You guys are silent for a while as you began scrolling on your phone while Ron was too focuse don his video game. You can tell hes starting to get a bit frustrated by the way his button mashing got slightly more aggressive, you turn your attention to the small tv to watch him when he died.

"Goddammit!" He said clearly a bit frustrated "This game is bullshit" He pouts

"No your just not playing it right. Here gimmie it" You jump forward and take his controller 

He crosses his arms frustrated and he hands you the controller and turns to watch you. He watches you for the next 5 minutes as you go through and complete the level with ease, hes slightly annoyed that you could do that. You smile and chuckle handing him the remote back.

"Okay whatever..." He mumbles taking his controller back 

"Love you" You chuckle and lean in and kiss his cheek 

"God your so clingy" he mumbles again pushing you away with his arm slightly

You stare at him in disbelief and hurt now feeling a bit bad you told him you loved him, but you were annoyed and were going to show that 

"I just wanted to tell you i loved you" You say 

"oh you do?" He says sarcastically going back to the TV "I couldnt tell" 

You couldnt believe him and just rolled your eyes. You slump back down in the bean bag chair and pull out your phone once again. Ron just went back to his game as usual, about 20 minutes go like this him not glancing at you you not glancing at him as you scroll away on your phone. 

After a while you let out a soft chuckle, you texted Carl back. Your smiling and chuckles got Ron curious to see what you were so happy doing on your phone but he didnt say anything at first. 

Until it happened again, he say you laugh a bit and got a bit annoyed and he looked at you. 

"Who are you talking to" he asks unenthusiastically 

"No one.." You mumble glaring up at him 

That made him a bit frustrated "Sure sounds like your talking to someone" 

"Whatever, its Carl" You say rolling your eyes at Ron

That got his full attention. Why would you be talking to him when you have Ron? he put his controller down and paused his game now a bit jealous and annoyed.

"What do you need to talk to him for" He glares at you

"Because hes my friend why else"  You dont even glance up at him and keep talking with Carl 

"But you have me here, why do you need to talk to him for!" He says a bit frustrated

"Yeah a boyfriend who doesnt love me..." You mumble hiding yourself back in our phone 

He then stops in his tracks and now just looks sad and hurt, he goes to open his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Finally hes able to say something 

"W-what? I do love you..." His voice is soft 

"You dont act like it..." You mumble again 

He sighs realizing what he did and he kneels down beside you and crawls over to you on the bean bag chair

"Baby im sorry..." He pauses for a moment but you dont look up at him "im sorry...i know im not the best at this..." 

"You act like you hate me" You glare at him

He sighs and leans forward resting his head on your leg just above your knee his cheek squishing into your thigh as he looks up at you and pleads with you 

"You know i dont hate you" He says softly in a whisper "I love you...i just dont know how to show that and I wish I did" 

You put your phone down and look down at him as his head rested in your lap as he nuzzles his face in your legs. You really wanted to be mad at him you did, but god he was adorable. You sigh and your tension subsides as you reach out your hand running it through his hair pushing it back out of his face. 

"I really wish i could stay mad at you..." You smile softly as you lightly scratch his head

He smiled and melted at your touch "And I wish I could stop disappointing you" 

Your heart melts and you frown a bit "You dont disappoint me" ou say continuing to play with his hair 

"To be deserve so much better than me" He says sitting up and moving beside you on the bean bag chair

You take him in your arms and hold him tightly as he leans down and shoves his face in your chest wrapping his arms around you, he lays on top of you and you go right back to playing with his hair

"I love you..." He mumbles in your chest 

"You do" You ask softly as he lifts his face to look up at you 

"Yeah i do...if im being honest a lot more than i love myself" He says sadly 

You chuckle softly and peck his lips moving your hands to hold his face 

"Well you should love yourself because i love you" You peck his lips again "Your handsome and kind and loving and I know ou love me very much" 

"Thanks..." he mumbles tightening his grip around you 

You keep holding each other for quite a while in silece with occasional kisses, soon Ron started to slowly fall asleep on your chest. You smiled and kisses his head again lightly scratching the back of his neck with your hand tangled in the back of his hair

"Sleep tight" You says softly as you get more comfortable as he falls asleep on you 

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