Meeting Family

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When Rick met your family they were a bit skeptical but they instantly fell in love with how great he was with everything. They loved how great with kids he was how kind and caring and funny he can be 

Again with daryl they were skeptical especially with the way he acted and looked, some of your family thought he was scary others thought he just wasnt good. But soon they realized he wasnt as bad as he looked and was a great guy and how funny he was 

She automatically made a good impression on everyone. They loved her automatically and they started talking and talking and she was just really good with your family. 

If anything glenn was scared, he thought your family wouldnt like him but it was the complete opposite. Glenn was so helpful and made a good impression that he was a good boyfriend they did see how dorky and shy he seemed but they thought he was so funny and they thought he was so sweet 

Being teenagers of course your family gave looks and were skeptical and questioned him a lot. Carl didnt seem to mind though he answered every question and overall made a good impression even if some family members werent so nice, he was really calm

They didnt like how quiet and shy he seemed but you convinced him to open up a bit more and he got a bit more talkative and he answered questions explained his hobbies and intrests and they genuinely thought ron was a good guy despite how reserved he seemed at the beginning

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