Their biggest fear

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Hes afraid that one day you wont be able to handle yourself and he isnt their to help or protect you, his fear ends up getting in the way a lot and he becomes mpre protective than he is 

That he might end up losing you and its gonna be his fault, everyone in his life whos ever died and left him he was always convinced it was his fault and he doesnt want it to be his fault even though its not 

That you might end up dying to save her or someone else close to you guys, she doesnt want to lose you because of her or anyone else and she doesnt think she could end up learning to live on without you 

That you actually arent in love with him, for the most part hes very trusting and tries to make himself think everything will be fine and most of the times he does. But when he sees you work with others his little doubts creep in and he thinks if you actually dont love him even though he knows you do 

He knows you love him, hes more terrified of the thought that one day he might fall out of love with you. He loves you so much and the thought of not loving you terrfies him, he saw people fall in and out of love before and hes terrified that one day hell wake up and that feeling is gone and he just wont love you anymore although it wont happen 

He gets very insecure with himself and he knows there are better people (there arent) for you and he just wont be able to measure up to them and he thinks hes not being a good boyfriend and you gonna leave him for someone 10x better than him and one day your just gonna say youve been leading him on and never loved him and youll leave and break him 

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