Carl x GN!Reader - Kiss me

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GN Reader 

Fluff/Slight angst?

Ron had been such an asshole lately. He was always avoiding you and ignoring you and giving you an attitude that came out of nowhere like he didnt want to be with you. 

You were finally fed up about being nice about it and it was time to address it. You knew he was going through a lot after Rick killed his dad but his dad was such an ass and caused their whole family pain why would Ron miss him? 

You were sitting on the edge of Rons bed as he did something around his room he wouldnt tell you what, it was getting painfully quiet and you had nothing to do so you were just going to leave. You get up and come to his side placing a hand on Rons arm

"Hey baby I just remembered Glenn wanted me to do something for him today so I gotta go ok" You smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek

He moved his head so you couldnt kiss him and he focused his attention on what he did instead

"Um Ron" 

"What" He said a little more harsh than he intended

"Can I have a kiss?" You asked removing your hand from his arm

"No" He said blankly, you finally got fed up. Hed been like this all week 

"Ok seriously what is your problem?!" You ask taking a step back away from him glaring at him in disbelief

He looked up and glared back at you, he put what he was doing down to pay attention to you 

"I dont get it whats my problem?" He asks confused

"Yeah!" You replied looking him directly in the eyes with a harsh tone to show you were clearly upset

He scoffs "Dont get pissy with me geez..." He rolls his eyes and tries to go back to what he was doing but you stop him

"Pissy?! Seriously!? No I wanna know why the hell youve been avoiding me and ignoring me and being such an asshole to me for no reason" 

He stands up straight and shoves his hands in his pockets glaring at you

"Uh I dont know maybe because I dont exactly want to be all lovey dovey with you"

"Thats fine! Just tell me why instead of being an asshole and flat out ignoring me all week, I mean seriously think of how that makes me feel treating your significant other like that" 

You say extending your hands out in front of you to emphasize your expressions. Ron sighed, now he was fed up 

"Y/n were done!" He finally snapped

You were awestruck, just a tad surprised but not by much. Youd be more surprised if he stayed with you rather than break up with you

"Excuse me....what?!" 

"Seriously Y/n! Were done, i mean you ask what my problem is but no one ever asks you what yours is....well let me tell you! Your problem is that im tired of you thinking that your feelings are so damn important and not thinking of how itll effect other people. And you throw a big fit when something doesnt go your way and your little feelings are hurt I mean cmon grow up! You expect everyone to care about others feelings, why cant you care about others!"|

You couldnt believe Ron. So thats how he really feels. You grabbed your bag from the floor if you could you would smack him right now

"Fuck you Ron" You said opening his room door but before you could leave he said one more thing

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