What dates are like

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Rick isnt the guy to take you on dates but when you finally have time to have to yourselves he likes making a somewhat nice dinner and pulling out some wine and just being in your presence 

Sometimes when hes on runs he finds really cool spots that are nice and quiet and secluded and absolutely beautiful. So when you guys have time he will take you there and just spend some time with you 

Glenn feels like there arent much need for dates becaus eyou two generally spend a lot of time together. But every once in a while he does want to do something special, he really likes having picnics with you 

You both just like getting dressed up for absolutely no reason, you both will find some nice clothes and just decide to put them on and find somewhere quiet and act like your on a nice fancy date with lots of jokes...usually ends up in making out 

Your both just desperate teenagers so usually walks in the woods and when you get far enough very heated makeout sessions. Either that or he likes when you have dinner with rick judith him and michonne, kind of like a family dinner its fun and it calms him

He likes the idea of going on dates but he doesnt actually like going on dates, he likes staying home and cuddling or playing video games with him but every once in a while youll convince him, when you do he likes very well though out dates like going to small grassy place and watching the stars together 

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