Chapter Two

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The first day started just live any other. I got up, got dressed, and eat my food that magically appeared on my desk every morning when I wake up. Usually every morning I have a few quiet minutes to myself. As if the voice sleeps longer then I do. By the time I get done eating the voice is usually awake and starts talking to me.

"Good morning, Maddi." Ryns says to me from the back of my mind.

Yes, I named my voices Ryns but only because I needed something to yell when him got on my nerves. He seems okay with it. He's started to answer to it. Usually I would reply to him, but today I did not for some reason. I've ignored Ryns before when I was 15 and he did not like that at all. That's when I started to see things. Scary things. Things that only live in nightmares and in the darkest places of your mind.

"Maddi?" Ryns says in a teasing tone. All I do is shake my head and try to block out the nasty voice. Ryns doesn't sound like any normal voice. He doesn't like you or I. He sounds like a monster. A demon. His voice is raspy and something he speaks with a hiss if he gets mad enough. Ryns gives a deep, low animal like growl. "Maddi, answer me!"

"Your not real." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that? Don't mumble. You know I cant hear you when you mumble." Ryns groans in annoyance.

"Your not real!" I say with confidence I didn't know I had in me.

Ryns laughs deeply, "Of course I'm real my dear."

"No, your not. Your just in my mind. Your not really here." I close my eyes

There is a moment of eerie silence before a deep, throaty chuckle is heard. A slight gush of hot air hits me in face. It's as if someone is standing right informs onf me, leaning down close enough to my face that's our breaths mingle. Close enough that I can hear their deep breathing. I open my mouth to talk but my voice is caught in my throat.

"What's the matter, Maddi? Cat got your tongue? Open your eyes, Maddi." Ryns sounds as if he is right in front of me. As if he is the person who is leaning over me and breathing on my face but he can't be can he? He's not real. He's in my mind. It's not possible. "Maddi. Open. Your. Eyes."

"No, I don't have to listen to you. You don't control me." I squeeze my eyes tighter together, refusing to listen to the horrid voice.

"Don't make me tell you again, Maddilynn." After Ryns gets no response he lets out a bone trembling, blood curdling growl. "OPEN YOUR EYES!"

Two cold hands latch onto my shoulders and start to shake me violently. I let out a terrified scream my eyes open. What I see next is the most terrifying thing I've seen in all my life. Something I've seen plenty of times in my nightmares but can never get use to. My family obviously in the last stages of decomposing. My mother, father, older brother, and baby sister. The strong foul stench of death fills the small room making me gag and wishing to throw up. My dead family lays scattered all over the room.

With tears rushing down my cheeks I let out a cry, "No! Please, make them go away."

The corpse of my dead brother, Kellin, sits up. His head turns to face me. Maggots falling out of his eye sockets, and his head cocked to one side. "It's all your fault, Maddi. It's all your fault we are dead. You killed us."

"No! No, I didn't! It wasn't my fault!" I shout at my the body of my dead brother.

"Why did you kill us, Maddi?" The corpse of my little sister, Copeland, ask.

"I didn't! You know I didn't! It wasn't my fault!" I cover my ears but it doesn't help. I can still hear my deceased siblings blaming me for their death.

"Maybe it was your fault. You were the one who begged your mom to take you guys to the movies. You were the reason you went out that night. If you hadn't of asked to go to the movies you wouldn't have been at that stop light. If you weren't at that stop light then that car wouldn't have hit your dad's car. So, it was your fault. You killed your family." That horrid voice says from inside my mind.

"But he hit us....It couldn't have been my fault. He was drunk. He wasn't paying attention. So, it couldn't have been my fault....Right?" I whisper more to myself than to Ryns.

Ryns laughs at me. "Stupid child. Of course it was up your fault. Look at your family! Look at your dead, decaying little sister. Poor Copeland she was only 4 years old. She would have been 8 years old this year if YOU hadn't of killed her. Your brother, Kellin, would be in college by now. Your family would have been alive. They would have been smiling, laughing, living their life as they were meant to live if YOU hadn't of killed them."

"I'm sorry! Please I'll listen to you. J-Just make them go away." I whisper. I squeeze my eyes closed and cover my ears.

A low chuckle is heard through out the room but I still don't look. I sit on my bed, knees to my chest, eyes tightly shut, and ears covered. "MAKE THEM GO AWAY! MAKE THEM GO AWAY! IM SORRY! MAKE THEM GO AWAY."

I scream this over and over for what seemed to be hours, but it could have been only a few minutes. Nurses pile in the door, grabbing me and holding me to the ground. I fight them though, kicking and screaming. All while Ryns but laughs hysterically. A sharp pain in my left arm. I turn my head to investigate and see a needle being pulled out of my now sore arm. They drugged me again. My eyes began to get heavy and my vision starts to fog. I can't struggle as much because my limps are becoming weak. Soon everything just goes black but not before I hear one last word.

"Goodnight." Ryns whispers in my ear.

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