Chapter one

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There are many things I miss about the outside world: music, sane laughter, friends, and even school. There are many things I forget about the world: I don't remember what the sun feels like on my skin, what my bare feet feel like in the cold, wet grass, what birds sound like, and even what it's like to be happy. They said that Creek Side Mental Hospital was a nice place. it was at first but, that was then and, this is now.

My name is Maddi Rose. I am 17 years old and have been living in hell which is for some reason named Creek Side. I use to be told that I was beautiful. People said that my long black hair was as smooth as silk, my big green eyes glowed, my skin had that perfect tan you get when you stay outside in the sun for just a little too long, and a big bright toothy smile.

Since I moved into Creek Side my hair has grown so the nurses just chop it off in uneven layers, my eyes have become lifeless and dull, my skin a grayish pale color, and my smile is no more.

What is wrong with me? I hear a voice. The voice started when I was 13 when my family died in a car crash. Soon after the crash, that I was the soul survivor of, I started to hear the voice telling me that it was my fault. Of course I started to believe them and tried to kill my self multiple times in multiple ways: hanging myself, slitting my wrists, drinking bleach, taking large amounts of pills, ect. After the fifth failure I was sent to live the rest of my lonely life at Creek Side.

The nurses don't let me out of my room. They say I'm a danger to the other patients. So, they have locked me in a small four walls room that contains a bed, one flat cardboard like pillow, a thin useless blanket, one desk, a lamp, and a chair. The room has no windows and only one door that is always locked. Why? So, I can't leave of course.

My life at Creek Side has always been bad but, never this bad. 10 days is all it took to send me over the edge. 10 to finally break me.

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