After being flung into a world where Hell never invaded, The Doom Slayer and his AI Vega must navigate through this new world of Heroes and Villains. Overwatch must deal with the Hellwalker and his violent methods as well as the demonic threat that...
As the tethering process unfolded, the Slayer caught fleeting glimpses of alternate worlds. In mere minutes, he witnessed vivid flashes of Nazi strongholds,
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Space Aliens fighting a Blonde Man,
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And even a lab infested with dead demons (That one he felt strangely attached to.)
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Eventually, he came crashing down on some other world. Rising to his feet, the Slayer surveyed his surroundings—a night sky, water, and signs bearing unfamiliar Spanish text. Though consumed by frustration at his betrayal, he focused on his current situation. After he made sure every one of his weapons were with him, he found a computer card labeled "Vega".
Back on Mars, the Slayer had encountered Vega, the advanced artificial intelligence that powered the UAC. Recognizing its potential significance, he had salvaged the AI, ultimately backing up its data onto a card before destroying its core. The Slayer, believing Vega to possess sentience and remain uncorrupted by the UAC's plans, inserted the card into a slot within his Praetor armor. In an instant, a luminous blue circle materialized on his helmet.
Vega: Systems online. Thank you for preserving my data, Slayer.
The Slayer looked around his new environment. Earth.
Vega: I've analyzed the recent occurrences after Dr. Hayden's betrayal. Allow me to provide an explanation. During the development of interdimensional travel technology, safeguards were implemented to limit travel solely between Hell and our universe. This constraint aimed to prevent unintended entanglement within uncharted realms.