Just The Three Of Us!!

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*A day before Chapter 8, C.J's P.O.V*
I knew I shouldn't have left Jay with the WOD! Now who KNOWS where she is?! I realized she was gone when I came back from getting slushies. We were the only ones home for a couple days while everyone was busy with summer stuff! If I knew the WOD was glitching I would've put it in the basement, or The Void! I was stressing out too much, so I split myself in half to get Chrome to help.

C.J:Panicking "Chrome this is BAD! REALLY REALLY BAD!!!"
C.C.J:Tilts head "What happened??"
C.J:Pacing around the room panicking "The WOD was glitching, and I was going to fix it. Me and Jay were hungry so I was gonna get a slushies. I came back, and Jay wasn't here! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO CHROME!!! THE OTHERS GONNA GET BACK IN A FEW MORE DAYS AND IF THEY REALIZE JAYS MISSING THEN THEY'LL BE MAD AND- AND-"
C.C.J:Pulls hammer out of pocket and hits C.J
C.J:Offended "OW! WHAT THE FREAK?!"
C.C.J:Smiles "Calm down, I'm sure she's fine! After all, she's your other version! Now if I were you, which I kinda am, I'd see if the WOD can detect which dimensions she's in!"
C.J:Calms down "Ok, thanks! Let me see if it will let me without freaking out." Pressing buttons
C.C.J:"My casualty count today is six! Yesterday it was two!!" Proud "If I keep the is up, I might make it to TEN casualties!!"
C.J:Looks at Chrome concerned "Chrome you're concerning.."
C.C.J:Smiles "Well, I am YOUR hyper side!"
C.J:Smiles rolling her eyes, then looks back at WOD "Oh! Chrome we got something!!"
C.C.J:Excited "Really?!"
C.J:Reading "Hm, "Undetected World".. The WOD doesn't know this dimension. That's weird... That should be something to fix when we get Jay back."
C.C.J:Looks "Does it say anything on the world?"
C.J:Reading "No.. I guess we're going into another dimension!"
C.C.J:Excited "Yay! It's been a while!"
C.J:"See you on the flip side!" Gets teleported
C.C.J:Laughs, then also gets teleported

When we got there, we fell through the sky as usual. Chrome fell right on top of me. We both got up and we were in what looked like a burnt down forest. Maybe this is California in 10 or more years.. Are we in the future?! Maybe that's why The WOD didn't recognize the world! I guess I got lost in my thoughts because Chrome started dragging me to an entrance to something.

C.C.J:Excited "Look a secret entrance!! Maybe people are in there! If people are in there, then they might know where Jay is" Goes in
C.J:Following Chrome "Chrome wait!" Looking around "This place looks crowded as heck. I don't like it one bit. If I don't like it, Jay probably doesn't either."
C.C.J:Smiles "Ok, let's split up! We can find her easier!" Walks up to person "Hello! Have you seen my friend? She has a WHOLE bunch of purple on, not to hard to spot, and maybe just a tad bit mental ill?"
Person:Freaked out, walks away
C.C.J:"Ok good talk.." Walks to C.J "Any luck?"
C.J:Shakes head no "Not any."
C.C.J:Smiles "Don't worry, you just got to get everyone's attention!"
C.J:Worried "What do you mean by that, Chrome?..."
C.C.J:Made hand into a megaphone "What? Were you expecting me to KILL innocent people??"
C.J:"Yes, actually.."
C.C.J:Frowns "C.J, stereotyping people is bad! Just because I'm one of the crazier characters doesn't mean I'm just some heartless killer!"
C.J:"It kind of does, that's basically your only trait. Also stop breaking the fourth wall.."
C.C.J:"No! I'll break it as I please, Real Jay you need to finish that arc you idiot-"
C.C.J:Offended "Fine. Ahem" talking in hand megaphone "Attention depressed people, it's me, we are currently looking for a missing person! If anyone in here is wearing all purple please bring them here immediately or a bomb outside will blow up! If you do not want to be blown to smithereens, I suggest you bring the said missing person to us! Thank you!"

*Stunned silence*

C.J:"Chrome what's wrong with you?!"
C.C.J:Looks confused "Maybe the don't speak English.. I'll try Spanish instead!"
C.J:"First of all, they aren't doing anything BECAUSE YOU THERE WAS A BOMB OUTSIDE, also when did you take the time to learn Spanish??"
C.C.J:"I didn't, I-" Cough cough "Real Jay" Cough cough "am using Google translate!" Looking up stuff then finally talks again "Atención gente deprimida, soy yo, ¡actualmente estamos buscando a una persona desaparecida! ¡Si alguien aquí está vestido todo de púrpura, por favor tráigalo aquí inmediatamente o explotará una bomba afuera! ¡Si no quiere volar en pedazos, le sugiero que nos traiga a dicha persona desaparecida! ¡Gracias!" Looks at C.J "I think they got it!"
C.J:Giving Chrome a 'Why would you do this?' look

*Meanwhile with Jay, Hoshi, and Yuri*

Yuri:Looking out door
Jay:Also looks out door "Oh god.."
Hoshi:Also also looks out door "What are we looking at? Is it bad? Or is it good?"
Jay:Looks at Hoshi "For me, both. For you guys, probably bad."
Yuri:Looks at Jay "Who are they?"
Jay:"Two of the oddest people in the world.."
Hoshi:Smiles "They look fun! They also look related!"
Jay:Pointing at C.J "If you split her in half you get the other one. The one with the black hair is C.J and the other is Chrome. I feel like they are going to destroy something so I should probably get them. While in here." Teleports them into the room
Hoshi:Amazed "Woah!!"
C.C.J:Smiles "We found Jay!!"
Jay:"..." Glaring at them
C.J:Points at Chrome, looking nervous "Her idea."
C.C.J:Looks at C.J betrayed "Why'd you rat me out?!"
Hoshi:"Rat? Where?"
C.J:Tilts head "There's.. no rat. Is he ok??"
C.C.J:Smiles "I don't know, but he's giving me one brain cell vibes so I like him already!!"
Hoshi:Confused, but smiles anyway
Yuri:"So that's Jay, and thats also Jay? We have three Jay's in one room!"
Jay:Jokingly "If I didn't tell people they different versions of me, you'd think were completely different people."
C.C.J:Pops up behind Jay, starting her a bit "Wellll, they do say opposites attract! At least we do anyway!" Starts singing "Just The Two of Us" by Grover Washington Jr. but instead of two says three
C.J:Looks at Jay "She does know that says TWO right??"
Jay:"Yeah but comedic effect she saying three-"
Theodore:Comes in room "Ok guys, false alarm- ..Who are you two??"
Jay:Looks at Theodore "They're from my dimension."
Yuri:Looks at Theodore "False alarm about what??"
Theodore:"Apparently someone said there was a bomb outside, there wasn't."
Jay, C.J, and Yuri:Looks at Chrome
C.C.J:Whistling "Wow that person sounds like trickster. A heck of a good one, too bad that's not me!"

*Jay's P.O.V*
We all hung out for the rest of the day, I think Chrome likes both Yuri and Hoshi because of their chaotic energy, C.J likes Yuri because she listens to her talk about building stuff, and me and Hoshi were talking about space! Hoshi from space, which pretty cool! According to C.J, our time is going slower than it is here. So hopefully we get home before the others do.

[A/N]:We love fourth wall breaks- WE ALSO LOVE LONG CHAPTERS!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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