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*Alex Pov*

I wake up to a blinding light, thinking it's the sun. I couldn't be more wrong. I was in the hospital. My dad, Quinn, And Taylor at my side.

"Thank the fucking gods," Taylor said when xe saw my eyes open. Quinn looked just about ready to cry and very guilty. My dad looked like he was going to cry. 

"Hey." I croaked. My voice was dry and horse. 

"I'm gonna get some water for you." My dad said, he was never very good with sentimental stuff so he will try to avoid it as much as he can. So it made sense for him to "get water". 

"YOU NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" exclaimed Taylor wrapping me in a bear hug. 

"C-can-t b-bret-h" I manage to say gasping for air.

"Sorry," they let go of me and look sorry for once. I look at Quinn who looked sad and guilty. He hugged me, not a tight one gentle. then kissed my head.

"I'm sorry and I love you." Quinn whispered in my ear. I kissed his cheek. My dad walked in with a cup of water and behind him was the doctor. 

"You will be in the hospital for another 3 days." said the Doctor examining me.

"Okay," I said trying to not sound as annoyed as I was. 

Soon the 3 days had passed and I was wheeled out of the hospital into the crisp cold air. Taylor was SUPER excited and we had a sleep over at my house, Quinn was there too.



sorry for the short chapter I wrote a longer chapter of increased so kinda tried  but go check out the new chapter and I hope you enjoyed this one. Also if i made book 2 of The paranormal would you read it?


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