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Quinn pov

I woke up with a really bad headache. I checked the time at 9pm, I had slept for the whole day. I leaned over my bed to check my phone. 5 messages from Taylor.

"What do they want now?" I mumbled to myself as I opened the texts.




"What?!" I leapt off my bed and read the other texts.

Alex isn't responding to my texts, why aren't you responding?!

Do you have any ideas of where he went?

Did he say anything about running away?

There were no other texts, an abrupt stop of texts. That wasn't like Taylor, then again it kinda was because xe probably got distracted.

I thought of what to text back. "Omg!" "That's terrible!" none of it could match how I was feeling. I was angry and I wanted to punch something, but I wanted to cry and curl up into a ball and be punched at the same time. There was such a mix of emotions I didn't know what to do. I might of cracked under the pressure of it all. I dropped my phone, my screen was already cracked so I didn't really care. I stood still for a minute. A tear trickled down my cheek. I reached to wipe it away but at the same time I didn't. I wanted the tear to trickle off my face leaving a trail of salty wetness. My legs gave up and I collapsed onto the floor. I woke up from my trance because of my phone going off. I was getting a call. I never get calls I think to myself. I reached over and grabbed my phone, Taylor was calling me. I pressed answer.

"Are you okay?!" I don't respond, "Are you there? Quinn?" Taylor continued to call my name but anything I heard was muffled. A stream of tears rolled down my cheek, silently I cried, nobody could hear me, nobody could tell I was crying, nobody was here for me, Alex wasn't here for me, there was no other shoulder I could cry on, the shoulder I could cry on wasn't here, and was from what has been happening the past 2 weeks was probably dead. I could go to no one with my problems, I was utterly and completely alone. No one to pat my back and say 'it's okay' nobody, nobody, nobody.

"Nobody, nobody, nobody," I found myself mumbling nobody.

"Quinn? Is that you? Say something I can hear!" Taylor had sounded like they were crying.

"Taylor." I said in a weak voice.

"QUINN! You're alright, I hope." They said, I held back a sob. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I didn't know what to say, I did need something. But something was gone. And the other thing,a hug, I could get. I wouldn't really let anyone touch me except Alex, but Alex isn't here. He's gone. The voice. It was humming like it was pleased.

"What a shame Alex went missing. A real shame indeed." The voice sounded amused at my pain, I wasn't surprised

"Leave me be." I said, my voice was so weak you could barely hear it.


"Why would I leave you alone when you're in such a weak state?" It said the voice coming from every corner and crevice of my room "You need someone to take care of you right now."

"You've never helped me once in my life." I said a little louder.

"Quinn are you talking to me or someone else?" I didn't answer, I left the call.

"Now that's not very nice. I've helped you plenty of times."

"Be my guest please say one thing you've done thats has helped me." I said my voice getting louder by every word.

"No need to raise voices," The voice chided, "I helped you fight back your dad."

"You put my dad in the hospital and me in 2 months of juvie! And that didn't help at all; he still hits, punches, and kicks me!" I said as more tears threatened to burst.

"Well at least we won't go to juvie because this time they'll never be found."

"What?" I said.

"What do you mean what, our latest victim won't be found, they'll probably find him dead anyways, so we won't go to juvie."

"Who was it?" I asked, my breath quickened.

"Doesn't matter, he was a nobody anyway." said the voice then the body formed in front of me. A tall dark shadow. You could only see his white eyes with his tiny pupils.

"Who was it?" My voice hardened.

"Like I said it doesn't mat-" I cut it off.

"WHO WAS IT!" I yelled.

"Jesse it was one of your friends I think." It was scratching its head like it was trying to remember who it was, even though he had a perfect memory.

"Alex?!" I said, my vision went blurry from the amount of tears trying to get out.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do." I said my voice was ice cold.

"Bye!" and just like that it was gone.

"Come back!" I yelled. "I need to know!" my voice got smaller by every word till my voice was gone. I stood there sobbing. Not knowing what to do.




Thank you for reading this book there will be a second book, which I am currently  working on.


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