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*Quinn Pov*

I woke up in the middle of the night with Alexs arms wrapped around me. *How can he still like me? After what I did to him? Did he forget? How?* I sat there and thought about it till I felt Alex stir, I started running my hand through his lightish brown hair. He hummed and hugged me tighter. His eyes opened groggy. 

"Hey hottie." Alex said in a deeper groggy voice, his voice went like that when he woke up it was cute and hot.

"H-hey," I said still playing with his hair. Alex looked up at me, his eyes held nothing but love, and a need for sleep. "go to sleep."

"Hmmm how about you, you go to sleep." I put my hand on his face, not in a romantic way, more of a shut up kind of way. He kissed my hand, and I went beat red. 

"My god, go to sleep." I said shoving his head away.

"First, kiss?" He asked. He looked up at me straight in the eyes. I couldn't say no. I gave him a quick kiss, but he grabbed my face and held it in place for a longer kiss. When we broke apart I looked down at him, he looked happy with himself.

"Happy now?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered simply, then snuggled up to me and fell asleep, snoring softly. I layed my head down and tried to sleep. It didn't come easily.  

"* Wow he still loves you, surprising, your such an awful person for hurting the one you love just like your dad.*"

"shut up," I said to myself. That stupid voice had been hunting me for months now almost a year. "I'm nothing like my dad, he doesn't love me." 

"* Still, you hurt someone putting them in the hospital, kinda like a thing your dad would do, you should finish the job, kill BOTH of them, then kill yourself. Easy, nobody would care, your boyfriend would be dead and your friend, the only people who love you. And you said it yourself you dad doesn't love you, if anything he'd be leaping for joy, that his worthless, stupid son was dead.*" I shuttered the voice was deep and taunting evil and cruelness laced in its voice.

"Leave me alone." I practically beg. I just wanted to have a good sleep over with my friend and boy friend, without being harassed by this thing living rent free in my head. After a while the voice stopped and I could finally fall asleep. 

I woke up to both Taylor and Alex shaking me awake. 

"HEY MAN WAKE UP!" Taylor yelled in my face.

"I'm awake," I said sitting up. "What's wrong? someone die?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"No, we were making waffles and we wanted to know if you wanted some." Alex said.

"Wait who's maning the stove?" I asked. They both looked at each other and Taylor ran down stairs and yelled back up.

"IT'S OKAY THERE NOT BURNED!" I looked at Alex and we laughed. Alex sat on my lap and kissed me.

"Shall we?" asked Alex getting up and extending his hand.

"We shall." I said taking hold of his hand, standing up and walking down stairs.

"Holy shit these are amazing," Alex said while taking a bite. "we did good." He said facing Taylor.

"Hell yeah man best we've made." Taylor said. I took a bite. They were good. We ate and went into the back yard. There was fresh powdered snow. We trudged around throwing snow and shoving each other. And having a great time. 

Soon hours had gone by, and Taylor had to leave.

"Bye," we waved and Taylor had hopped into one of their two moms car and sped off.

"I should probably go as well," I said. we went up to Alexs room so I could get my stuff. I kissed him goodbye and walked to my house. I walked in and saw my dad passed out with beer bottles around him. I walked to my room and cryed.


heyy this was a longer chapter but ye, was watching x-files while making in. AND I wanted to have a normal episode for they could just hang out so ye have a good day/night.


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