8 / Babe

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She was going to take Jisue's advice. First, make him want to talk to her, and if that doesn't work, she'll go to the extreme measure of initiating a conversation between the two. First step of the day, walking to school. She and Aera talked as they entered the school gates, Hana didn't see Jisue or Felix yet, so she assumed they were late today. She then walked up to the group of boys her sister had befriended. She saw Minho in the group, perfect.

"Hi guys." Aera smiled and waved at them.

"Aera!" Hyunjin smiled as he made room in their circle for the two girls.

"Good morning!" Changbin smiled at them.

"Good morning!" Hana replied, taking a spot next to Minho without glancing at him.

"How was you're-" Suddenly her phone started ringing.

Harls <3

Decline / Accept

"Oh!" She looked at her phone. As she pulled it out, Minho took a short glance only seeing the heart on the screen, "One second." Hana smiled and accepted the call, "Hi babe what's up?" She spoke in English.

"Hana! Hi! Am I bothering you?"

"Oh no no you aren't, I have school in a bit but that's all hun."

As she walked away from the group on the phone Minho was thinking about who that person could be. I mean it was definitely someone she knew from America as she was speaking in English, but what was the heart and the 'babe'? Someone she liked? A boyfriend maybe? If It's a boyfriend she's a real trashy girlfriend with everything she's said to Minho. He heard her laugh from where she was standing on the phone, who was making her laugh? Who was this person?

"Who's she talking to?" Jisung asked Aera. Perfect, at least he didn't have to be the one to ask.

"No idea." She shrugged. Well that wasn't a helpful answer, "Well I know it's someone from Chicago since she's speaking in English, I just don't know who." The school bells then rang, as the group, except Minho, all turned to the girl who waved them off telling them to go without her.  She walked into the class, almost late with Jisue right behind her. The two were laughing quite loudly as they went back to their seats. Minho heard them, obviously, he wasn't deaf. But he wanted to know what they were laughing so hard about. But he wanted to know even more who she was on the phone with. Who she was calling babe.


"She said babe when she was talking on the phone, maybe there's some unfinished business in America." Changbin shrugged, "Why do you care? I thought it was just for fun anyways."

"I care cause my fun is cut short, not to mention she's a real shit girlfriend if that really is a boyfriend." He rolled his eyes. The two were walking together, not near their first year friends yet. Minho felt a body hit his side, he turned to see who it was and of course he saw Hana. Her long dark hair was down, she moved too quickly for him to see her face, just simply putting a hand up, signaling she was sorry without exchanging any words as she walked away with Jisue.

"Maybe she's done with you now." Changbin laughed at the interaction.

"What you think she got a boyfriend from America like yesterday?" Minho asked.

"Or maybe she just found someone better." He put a hand on Minho's shoulder, "I know you probably don't think that's possible, but it is." Minho rolled his eyes.

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