23 / Comfort

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"Kyungmi we're done." Minho said sternly, "That's that."

"Can I at least explain myself?" She said sadly.

"No I already know you were talking to him prior to Saturday. I don't need to know more. You were cheating on me and you hurt me and I'm not tolerating it, now please I've already had a shit day just leave me alone." He started to speed walk.

"Minho I just wanted to apologize for like trying to gaslight you and treating you wrong." She pulled his shoulder back.

"Just leave me alone!" He practically yelled at this point. Tears were threatening to fall but he couldn't let them. Not in front of her, "You're the first girl i've ever for real dated and of course you just have to go shatter my heart. I want nothing to do with you anymore. I want to forget you ever existed."

"Yeah what about that Hana girl?" She crossed her arms.

"Leave her out of this."

"Why do you care so much about her?" She rolled her eyes, "Were you lying to me about your relationship with her? Were you cheating on me?"

"I don't owe you any explanation. I never cheated on you and if you don't believe me you're just fucking crazy. Which, clearly you are because you won't let this go. Neither will Juyeon maybe you two are meant for eachother huh?"

"Juyeon broke things off with me that night. We aren't together."

"Well he's not getting Hana back and you're not getting me back so would you and him just leave us alone? I'm so tired of this I'm so tired of being here just leave please I don't want to remember you."

"Minho you can't possibly mean that. Come on we can figure it out, you're hurting now but what if-"

"As much as I loved you, one action can ruin that all. That's what you don't understand. My love for you is gone. I can never see you the same as I did again. And I don't want to now that I know the real you. A cheating manipulator."

"How could you say that to me?"

"Because you deserve it. Don't come by my house don't talk to my friends and especially don't talk to Hana. Get out of my life and i'll wish you the best in yours." He needed to get away before the tears actually fell, so once he finished with his sentence he just left. He wanted to go home and lay in his bed, but he knew his parents would be home, ready to ask about what happened today and his detention and everything. He wasn't ready, so instead he went to the one person he knew would understand him. He knew she was working today so he headed straight for the cafe.


Hana poked her head out from the back when she heard the door open. The cafe had been basically deserted for most of the day, a few people here and there but it was getting later in the afternoon and less people were coming in.

"Minho?" Her face dropped when she saw the state he was in. He just stood in the doorway staring at her with tears falling down his face, "What's wrong?" She ran to him with her arms opened wide. She instantly wrapped her arms over his shoulders, rubbing his back and holding his head in a comforting manner. He held her so tight, like he needed her to survive. He cried into her shoulder, his shoulders going up and down as he cried. Hyunjae poked his head out too, but seeing the scene in front of him he decided to let them have their space.

"Hana I'm so tired." Minho spoke as his sobs became more spread out, "I can't do this."

"You're strong Minho I know you are. I'm here, you'll be able to get through it I promise."

"I just want to finally be able to live my life without them." He said, "I want them to leave us alone so we can figure this out together. I want the whole school to stop coming up with all these lies and stupid rumors and just let us be. I just want us to finally be okay again."

"I have you. That makes me feel better already." She smiled at him, "I wouldn't be here without you."

"God you deserve everything why did someone have to hurt you like that?" He started to cry again. He hugged her tightly once more, this time she was shocked by his words and almost forgot to hug back, "I want to make sure no one hurts you again."

"Minho I-"

"Was that weird?" He pulled away instantly, "I just- I mean- You just- You mean a lot to me and I don't want that to happen again to you- you know?" He said nervously as if he, himself, wasn't ready to understand those underlying emotions.

"I'll protect you too Minho." She held his hand, "I don't want anyone to hurt you either."

"So you aren't playing our game anymore?" He seemed happy.

"Of course I'm not. What did you think this was all an act?" She laughed.

"I don't know... Maybe I was a little scared."

"I'd get an award if I was that good. No Minho. This is genuine, I genuinely care about you and I want the best for you." His face seemed to lighten at her statement, "Stay here I'll make you a drink, on the house." She winked. As she went back to go make the drink, Hyunjae came out and sat across from where Minho had made himself comfortable.

"You know," He started, "She had a thing for you."

"Huh?" Minho seemed confused.

"I think she still does."


"She'd tell me about your little games. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, I think you won her over." He smirked.


"All I want to say is you guys might have gotten heartbroken by some random people, but honestly maybe those people were just apart of the path to lead you two to each other. I'm not forcing anything on you, I just want you to know I'm rooting for you guys." He got up before Minho could respond. He spaced off in a trance, his thoughts going crazy. Did he really fall in love with Kyungmi or did he force himself to love someone other than Hana because he was scared of his true feelings?

"Here it is!" She set it down in front of him, "Let me know if you like it." She smiled. He was thrown out of his trance as he looked up at the smiley girl. He knew she was still hurting, but somehow her smile made him feel warm inside, like the past few days of pain didn't even matter.

"How much is it?" He pulled out his wallet to stop staring at her.

"I already said it's on the house." She pushed his wallet away, "Consider it a comfort drink, to help you feel better."

"I already feel much better. I knew coming to you would help." He took a sip of the lovely warm tea. Little did he know this would become his favorite drink in the world.

People say smells, tastes or sounds can correlate to emotions you felt in the moment you first experienced them.

That was the moment he knew he loved her.

But she deserved the best man in the world, so he decided that's what he'd become, for her.

A/N: tehhehehe

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