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"Okay they haven't moved in a while. I think this is the house." Jeongin spoke.

"Perfect! Let's go." Aera smiled, "Mom! We're going to get food!"

"Okay! Be safe!" Her mom called from the other side of the house. The group of seven then left the house on their adventure to find their older friends.

"So guys..." Felix spoke as they walked to the next bus stop, "What exactly are we planning on doing at this party?"



"Good question."

"Surprise them?" Jisung laughed, "Wont they be so embarrassed when their seven little friends show up?"

"There's a few people our age there already." Aera spoke.

"What? Seriously?" Hyunjin gasped.

"I thought we were going to bust Minho and Hana." Changbin said, "Minho will get so embarrassed when we walk into the party all like 'We thought you were going to get snacks!'" Changbin used a sad tone in his voice as they whole group laughed, thinking about Minho's reaction to that.

"I can't wait for Chan to be like 'That was so irresponsible of you all!" Jisung spoke in a disappointed, stern tone, mimicking Chan almost perfectly. As the group all boarded the bus, they noticed it was almost completely empty and took seats in close proximity to one another. Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin decided to stand. There was only a few stops before they would get off the bus to crash this college party. Aera was honestly starting to get nervous. Why were they doing this again? What was the point? Would they get kicked out? Would they embarrass themselves? Well they were sure to embarrass themselves.


Meanwhile, at the party, the group playing spin the bottle went into one of the guest rooms at the house. Hana had played this game many times before at parties, she didn't feel nervous, however, Jisue was quite nervous. Hana sat next to her giving her a small smile, making the intoxicated girl more comfortable.

"Okay rules for this game." Sangyeon announced, "Someone will start and spin the bottle. You have to kiss whoever it lands on. Once the kiss is over, the person who the bottle landed on gets to spin it. Everyone got it?" He set down an empty soju bottle in the middle of the circle. Heads nodded. Hana noticed that she only knew a small portion of the people in the circle. Besides her and Jisue, there was ten other girls and besides the nine boys she did know, there was five more. Hyunjae and his girlfriend were in the room but due to their commitment to one another, decided not to participate. After a bit of deciding, a girl named Nayeon went first. The bottle spun around and around until it stopped on Junyung. Hana's intoxicated mind watched Nayeon go over to the boy and give him a sweet, drunk kiss on the lips.


"Are you sure that's the address?" Hyunjin asked.

"There's party music, people talking and lights going crazy. I think we found it." Jeongin laughed. Surprisingly, the boy didn't seem nervous at all. Despite him not even being in high school yet, he seemed quite excited for this. Aera and Felix on the other hand seemed quite nervous. Maybe it was because it was their sisters that they were intruding on. The two were fully aware that they would get scolded after this, but they both hoped the girls were intoxicated enough to not remember this the next day. As the group stood in front of the house they finally realized, what the hell were they going to do?

"So uhm. What's the plan?" Jisung asked.

"We knock on the door and ask where Minho is. And then go embarrass him. Just follow my lead." Changbin strutted up to the front door, full of confidence. Shrugging, the group followed behind him to the door. Changbin knocked heavily on it, and waited for someone to answer.


After a few rounds of the bottle spinning, Hyunjae got up to go get a few more drinks for the large group. Hana sat, anticipating the bottle to finally spin to her. One of the girls in the group spun the bottle as Hyunjae left, the bottle spun around and around until stopping on Hana. The two girls looked at one another before smiling as the girl crawled towards her. The group cheered as their lips touched, with a drunk sensual kiss. But then, it was finally her turn. Hana spun the bottle which laid in the center of the room. She almost got dizzy watching it spin. As it started to slow down, she looked around the circle realizing who it would probably land on.


And who did it actually land on?



As Hyunjae walked past the door to get his drinks, he heard harsh knocking. The boy then stopped and turned to the door, looking through the peephole and noticing the group of teens at the door. He opened it with a big smile.

"Hey guys! What's up!" He smiled.

"Is Minho here?" Changbin asked.

"Minho? Oh! He's inside. Come on in." He looked at the group, noticing they were quite young, but ultimately not caring. Hyunjae pointed the younger kids to the room the group was playing spin the bottle. Which he had forgotten to mention.


Both weren't upset about the bottle landing on him. In fact they both had the same goal in mind with this kiss:

Make the other fall so deeply in love.

The smug look on her face as she made her way over to the boy showed just how drunk she was. He, however, was not any better. The same drunk smirk spread across his lips as she neared him. He sat on the floor nonchalantly as she kneeled in front of him. She put one hand on the back of his neck and one weaving through this hair. His hands landed on her waist pulling her close, knowing this was sure to make her heart go crazy. Right? But once their lips touched, something happened neither party would have ever thought could occur. They both felt something. They both felt like fireworks were shooting off in their stomach. A sensation neither one had felt before. But they weren't stupid. They knew what it was. And to be honest, it scared the hell out of them. This split second of emotions came to a quick end.

"Minho we-" Changbin opened the door but stopped when he saw the two with lips pressed against eachother. They pulled away in record timing, hoping they could blame the blush on their intoxicated state. There was no way he liked her. There was no way she liked him. Right? Then they noticed her hands still in his hair and his still around her waist. She stood up, pulling away from the boy who gladly took his hands off her. They were both too scared of this new emotion they had just felt. Hana looked to the door way to see the whole group of kids.

"What the hell are you all doing here?" Chan took the words right out of her mouth.

"We came looking for you guys." Seungmin laughed, "It looks like you're having some fun." He glanced between the two nineteen year olds. Minho and Hana then looked back at one another, connecting eyes before turning away yet again. Without any words, Hana shoved her way out of the doorway, not knowing exactly where she was going, she just wanted to get away from Minho. Jisue got up from her seat and quickly ran after the girl.

A/N: Tehe also guys i'm really gonna try to finish this book but i just don't have time to write anymore and this will probably be my last one but i love you all a lot and thank you for coming on this journey with me

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