The golem

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The team are now in Prague

Dante: seekers we have a mission
Haru: (that sounded cool)
Dante pulls out a weird looking thing and opens it
Dante: show my Prague central cemetery

The hologram of it comes up

Lok: cool is that a hollowgram

Haru: sure looks like it

Sophie: not quite it's called a hollowtome seeker groups use them to plan missions, gather information and analyse titans

Dante: based on the information Sophie gathered our goal is the tomb of the wise man of Prague jodis law the golem of Prague reach Prague's central cemetery and find out everything we can about the golem after dark we'll enter through here

Lok: now that's what I call interactive I bet you could play killer video games on this thing

Haru: that'd be pretty fun

Dante: anyway if there really is an underground area it would be no larger than this it's likely we'll be relying on small to medium sized titans like soulwing and paladin


Attack 5

Defence 6

Type Draco titan warrior

Size: average

Special ability perfect defence

Charet: what if the organisation gets wind of our plan

Dante: they already have

Lok: you're kidding what do we do

Dante: relax this hotel belongs to the huntik foundation we'll be safe here for a while

Sophie; oh it's not like a few suits would be any problem for you right Dante

Now let me show you my idea

Haru: (Damn I know I'm dense but she's putting out hints like a tutorial level of a game)

Lok: hey I got an idea why don't we take a break

Haru: sounds good

Haru is relaxing in his room when two suits come barging in

Haru: seriously haven't you even heard of privacy

Haru jumps on his bed

Haru: hyperstride

Haru kicks on in the face and then


He blasts another one point blank

Haru: well that was weird anyway looks like the others need some help

Haru reaches the door and kicks it down just as another door explodes


One spell is launched from Haru while he hears another 

The titans ate destroyed and the suits are knocked out

Two titans are advancing on Sophie

Sophie: I'll stop you

That's when Haru sees it

Haru: zhalia

Zhalia flips over the titans and Haru decides to join her

Haru: hey long time no see

Zhalia gasps but smiles slightly: we'll catch up later


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