Fathers and sons

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Haru is training with Dante

Just doing a light sparing match

As you can guess Haru is losing badly

Haru goes to punch Dante but he blocks it easily and sweeps haru's legs and does and slams him on the ground HARD

Haru: argh dammit

Dante: heh it seems you still have a lot to learn

Haru: tch I'll beat you some day

Dante: oh I don't doubt it

They both get distracted by Lok summoning lindorm and it goes crazy

Zhalia uses thought spectre to get it too fight an illusion of itself before it gets returned to the amulet

Haru: that was pretty awesome Z

Zhalia: why thank you and since we are working on wild titans why don't you try to control the one you got in the temple of Thor

Dante: huh you got a new titan back then I'm interested now

Sophie: me too

Lok: yeah show us

Haru: fine

Haru uses midgar's amulet on the hollowtome

Attack 5

Defence 3

Type Draco titan warrior

Size large

Special ability Frost breath

Dante: truly a beast indeed no wonder it was a titan owned by Thor

Sophie: alright let's see then


The mighty titan appears

Sophie: wow the power coming off of it is incredible

Haru: alright Midgar create an ice bridge

Midgar looks at Haru for a little bit before doing as it's told

Haru: huh I guess it likes me now

Dante:  it it hesitated

Haru: yeah we made a deal if I can give it the fights it wants then it would form a bond

Dante: ahh so it's more like you two have an alliance interesting

Zhalia: ok Lok in order to control lindorm you'll need to start thinking more destructive thoughts and Haru while the control is impressive the hesitation could mean the difference between winning and losing anyway let's get back to the mission

Dante: right we will set out of the Argo today

Haru: sweet alright TROIYA

Haru lies back on the boat and decides to take a nap

He feels a lot of moving around and ends up falling off the thug he was lying on

Haru: ugh what's going on

Zhalia: we are about to be crushed by those things if we don't speed up could really use that power of,yours right about now

Haru: on it

Haru jumps off the boat and sees two sides of a cliff quickly comes towards them which if they closed would squish them


Using the combo power he grabs onto the boat and basically starts pushing alongside Dante's titan calivan 

Eventually calivan decides to jump up and push the cliffs apart and one with last bursts of strength

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