The spiral war

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Haru is waiting around when

A giant lion titan comes crashing into the room

Haru: huh Sophie's got a flare of the dramatics too

It's the legendary titan of valor Mithras

Lok: special delivery who ordered one casterwill princess

Sophie: sorry I kept you all waiting

Nimue:  all is clear Sophie is now the leader of the casterwill elders

Haru: sounds good to me

Lok: exactly it's settled no we can all get along

They don't seem to think so

Teien: lady Sophie as leader I hope you'll consider my plan

Lucas: Yes we have no choice but to accept you but our opinions have not changed

Haru: do you want a broken jaw or not

Lucas: what was that

Lok: seriously what is with you guys

Sophie: no they are I proved myself to Mithras not them

Both haur and Lucas stop fighting

Sophie: besides leader or not the casterwill family can't act if we're divided like this

Lok: really no way finding Mithras has go to be worth something

Charet: you know in many cultures election by ancient magic kion would be quite acceptable

Haru: especially when one of the elders tamed a ancient magic dragon

Also I think we have company

They all run out

Dante: they're here

Den: the blood spirals a huge army

Haru: you got my message then good

Dante: yeah right on time probably thanks to zhalia

Haru: definitely

Lok: I'm not expert on math but I think we're outnumber

Nimue: i numbers perhaps but not in spirit, Dante when it comes to battke you are the wisest what shall we do

Dante: hold the cliff and hope the enemy doesn't have too many soldiers that can fly

A giant bug appears and it creates a ton of smaller bug titans

Dnate: new plan the elders will protect the fortress I'll take my team and see what we can do about the mother titan

Lok: there's an army out there won't they overwhelm us

Charet: look they are spreading out we can engage them in small groups

Dante: Sophie uhh you and Charet protect the elders everyone else come with me

Haru: Don't worth I've always wanted to fight in a war like this

They all jump off when they see the flying bugs 


He grabs onto a bug and swing kicks the spiral off of it
He then lands on it


All 4 of them land using feather drop after taking out the bugs

Lok: there's only 4 of us and they've got an army

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