The secptre

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The gang is currently hiding in a tent from the organisation

Haru is hiding under the bed and rolls out when the guy goes away

Lok: all clear

Haru: ugh that wasn't comfortable

Lok: cool nice work Charet

Charet: that's what I'm here for

Dante: keep a look out of the others 

Charet: will do

Dante:  my hollowtome has made a Birds Eye view of the camp, the tomb of Nefertiti is here

Sophie: it's huge

Haru: yeah I wonder what they are looking for

Lok: maybe a nice ancient vase

Dante: from what Guggenheim found they are after this the sceptre of Nefertiti

Dante reveals a cool looking sceptre with writing all over it

Lok: hey what's that writing

Haru: I'm guessing some kind of power or instructions for one

Zhalia: I've heard of this it must be the power never lost it allows a seeker to detect energy radiating from hidden amutkets

Sophie: do you think it could locate the amulet of will

Dante: I wouldn't expect it to pinpoint our prize legendary titans have many ways of protecting themselves but it would point us in right direction

Lok: which would explain why my dad was here he was hoping it would help him but it sounds kind of lame it's not fun if the spell tells you where the amulets are

Haru: yeah the puzzle is half the fun

Lok: exactly

Sophie: you two are weird

Zhalia: the challenge is finding the sceptre and then learning it's magic

Dante: that's right mission retrieve the sceptre and clues about Ethan lambert we'll split into two groups

Sophie: does this mean I'm with you Dante

Dante: yes we'll stage distraction at the explosive shed zhalia it looks like here is klaus's chief archaeologist go there with Haru, Lok and Charet and find us a map of the tomb

Lok: zhalia we never get to team up

Zhalia: what a shame

Haru chuckles

Dante: it's still late but we have to make our move

Haru sees Zhalia writing in a book

Haru: what's going on

He suddenly gets knocked off his chair by a cloak

Zhalia: snap out of it we need to move

Haru: this thing stinks

Sophie and zhalia proceed to bicker again


Lok: you know you fighting with Sophie every five seconds is getting way old

Zhalia: not as old as your fantasy of finding your long lost father


Lok: what?

Zhalia: look I'm sorry Lok, I didn't mean it somethings just got me on edge

Haru: come on zhalia we know you are a good person

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