Chapter Three

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Yelina and Yan arrived in a flurry of excitement and worry.

Their uncle, who was responsible for their upkeep, arrived with them. He had listened carefully to what Mac had to say to him, but could not be convinced that it was in the girl's best interest to stay as guests with Larry Lir until this thing blew over. He agreed with Mac that the best thing to do was meet with Larry, and so he had come along to meet the young investigator. He had been dubious from the start when he had heard that Lir was only twelve.

Mac had spoken up for him. "I can assure you, sir, he might only be twelve, but he has an older air. He'd put many an older man to shame. He's a genius, sir. Recognised as such by his peers around the world. Your family will be very safe in his hands."

Uncle Timothy had been impressed, but he still had to see for himself. He insisted. "I must meet this young chap. Lir."

"Very well then," Mac had relented. "If you would get the young ladies ready, I will be delighted to drive you out to Howth. You might like to pack a bag and stay overnight yourself. Master Lir would not expect you to make a double trip."

The girls were screaming their brother's name as they arrived. "Ismael, where are you? Is everything okay?"

Ismael emerged from the back of the house, a smile lighting his features. "Hi, Yelina. Hi, Yan."

They ran to him. "Oh Ismael. Why didn't you ring? We were so worried."

Mac and Timothy stood inside the door watching this encounter as Larry Lir also appeared from the back of the house. Mac said something on the quiet to Larry that brought a frown to the young investigator's face. The frown disappeared when Ismael turned to him.

"Larry, these are my sisters. Meet Yelina and Yan."

Larry smiled and shook hands with the two girls.

Yan gazed at him agog, whilst her slightly elder sister looked at him with hero worship in her blue eyes. Both sisters had incredible blue eyes.

"Are you the famous detective?" Yan asked.

Larry laughed and caught Mac's eye. "Excuse me for a minute, young ladies." He approached the men inside the door. He extended his hand to Timothy.

"I expect you're their guardian?"

Timothy took the young sleuth's hand and nodded grimly.

"Perhaps you might care to join me in my study," Larry said, inviting the man in, and asking Mac to see that all their guests were settled in.

Timothy moved to obey Lir's orders, and wondered later why he had obeyed a command with such ease from a mere twelve-year-old boy. However there was something commanding about the boy's presence, that Timothy soon forgot the boy's age. Lir acted like a perfect grown-up.

Timothy glanced around the study in surprise. He hadn't expected to find himself in such elegant surroundings. Lir looked him in the eye and said: "Would you care for a brandy, sir?"

"That would be delightful, young man."

Lir immediately picked up the telephone and spoke briefly into the receiver. A moment later Joanne appeared with a silver tray, hosting a decanter containing Remy brandy, a brandy glass, a bucket of ice, and a jug of mineral water. Lir took a glass of the mineral water and introduced his aunt to Timothy O'Coileain, and she shook hands with the portly gent.

Lir addressed her before she left the room. "What time do you need to go, Jo?"

"I rang Martin...explained things...he said he'd cope until I got in?" Martin was Joanne's husband.

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