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new bombshell

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new bombshell

Sienna gave Zach a little hug as she got out of bed in the morning, before letting Catherine grab her hand and drag her out to the garden with Whitney, Molly and Leah. "So you sorted things with Jess, but now there's an issue with Mehdi?" Leah tried to figure out. 

"Yeah, the girls are fine but now he's like gotten involved," Whitney said. 

"Why?" Sienna laughed. "Like what's it got to do with him? It's done, I'm confused."

"He doesn't have to agree, but he should support you in that moment," Leah said, all the girls agreeing. After they finished their debrief, the girls headed inside to get ready for the day. Sienna ended up laid up on a couch with Zach.

"What's your family like?" the boy asked her as she sipped on her water bottle. 

"Yeah so I've got a twin brother," Sienna shared. "My mum is a nurse and my dad works on something finance related, no clue what." she laughed. "What about you? Are you close with your family?"

"So I've got a sister, and we're close. She's always tearing me to bits and making fun of me, but we love each other," he smiled. "My mum is amazing. She's great, I miss her honestly."

"Aw, are you a mumma's boy," Sienna teased, Zach rolling his eyes. "I'm kidding. I miss my mum too, and my dad, and Troy."

"You're all close then?" he asked. 

"Yeah," she nodded. "I grew up in London and my parents are still there so we literally do dinners every week, if not more than once."

"Do you think they'd like me?" Zach asked.

"Not my dad and brother," Sienna cackled. "They've been always so protective. So until you prove yourself to them, they won't be giving you any warm and fuzzies. My mum though, she's Italian so she will be feeding you from day one, sending you home with treats. But she's the one to be really scared of."

"Ok fair enough," he laughed. "I think my mum would like you, you know."

"Really?" Sienna raised her brow. 

"Yeah, I think she'd see how kind you are, and you have a good head on your shoulders. She'd probably like you more than me," he joked. 

"Well, I am pretty likable," she flipped her hair with a giggle.

"That you are," Zach smiled, resting his hand on her thigh and giving it a rub, even as Charlotte and Leah came over to join them. After a few minutes, Charlotte's phone actually rang. 

"Girls, it's time to show off your balls skills in todays challenge, She's a Keeper," Charlotte yelled out. 

"Ugh," Sienna groaned as she was forced to get up. The girls headed inside to get their little costumes on, before heading down to the challenge area.

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