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"Good morning," Sienna said as she yawned the next morning with her head still on Zach's chest. Zach kept his glasses on as he rubbed Sienna's back, the other islanders all chatting in their beds before getting to welcome Ty and Ella back from the hideaway. After trying to get the low down from the couple, everyone finally started getting out of bed. Sienna left a kiss on Zach's cheek before following Whitney, Leah and Molly out to one of the outdoor couches.

"How was everyone's nights in bed?" Whitney asked, side eyeing Sienna. "I heard some noises from my neighbors, I'm just saying."

"What can I say?" Sienna shrugged with a laugh. "No it was just nice to be back in a bed with him, like at the moment he's the only boy in here I am even considering getting to chat with, you know? And I'm quite touchy feely, so being able to do that again is great."

Molly shared similar sentiments about finally being able to share a bed with Michael who she was actually into. Leah seemed a bit more reserved about Mitch, but the girls could tell she wasn't totally shut off from the idea yet. Whitney gave them a little update on Mehdi and the conversation they had had after the recoupling the day before. 

The girls went inside and got ready for another day in the garden, putting on their bikinis and heading outside. Sienna went to lay on the couches with Catherine, getting the tea on her evening with Scott. Sienna was happy to see the girl smiling and feeling good, especially after Andre's departure. The two were quickly distracted by Sammy and Jess getting into it for a moment. 

"I worry for her," Sienna admitted to Catherine. "I think Sammy talks really pretty honestly. And I just don't want her to get hurt."

"I think you're right," Catherine agreed. "But all we can do is be there when shit goes bad, you know?"

"So right miss Catherine," Sienna said, as the girls turned to less sensitive topics. They were eventually joined by Scott, who was trying to quiz Sienna on her career and figure out if she knew any footballers. Sienna was cracking up at Scott's face when he learned she had Leah Williamson's number, when they were all shocked by the sound of a text. 

"Ahoy islanders," Molly read out. "It's time to see if you and your partner can keep your heads above water in today's challenge Situationships."

"You're not Situationshipping me," Sienna said to Zach with a glare as the boy came over to grab her to escort her into the villa to get ready. 

"We'll see," he smirked as she shoved him, almost making him fall into the flower beds.

Sienna was not feeling confident sitting in the little boat with Zach, wondering what they were about to get up to. Leah and Mitch were hosting, and started off asking the girls to name their partner's worst habit. 

"I said snoring," Sienna turned her board around. 

"Yeah snoring," Zach nodded showing his matching board. 

"The other's might not hear it, because it isn't that loud, but it's usually right in my ear," Sienna laughed next to Zach in the beach hut. 

The next question was who was the smartest. Sienna and Zach matched again, choosing Sienna. "He's the pretty one," Sienna grinned. 

Next up was the girls favorite sex position. "Spooning," Zach said, Sienna revealing the matching answer. Then everyone had to share their least trustworthy, and it seemed like Mitch was the resounding answer from all the couples, minus Molly who backed Leah and Jess and said Sammy. 

The next round was asking which couple the islanders thought were playing a game. "I said Jess and Sammy," Sienna revealed. "Nothing to do with Jess but I do think Sammy has been sweet talking his way around things in here."

"I said Molly and Michael," Zach turned around. And that was the first dunking the couple received of the game. 

Next was asking if the girls thought their boy's head could turn. "I've said yes," Sienna revealed. "Because we haven't had that conversation yet. I hope it's a no, but trying to be realistic."

"I've actually said no," Zach grinned proudly, even as Leah came over and splashed water on them. Sienna thought some of the other couples were bull shitting themselves, but kept her mouth shut. Sammy wasn't able to do the same, talking himself into a bit of a hole and refusing to name drop who he actually felt that way about. 

The next question was about which couple had the least sexual chemistry, and a majority of couples said Mehdi and Whitney. After that round, Sammy and Jess reached the finish line and won the game. The islanders all headed back to the villa, grouping up to chat about the game and the answers they all heard. 

Sienna ended up sitting with Molly and Leah, the blonde clearly not loving that people had chosen her and Michael for game playing. "I think at the end of the day, it's a challenge," Sienna reassured. "There are always going to be people thinking the worst of you, in here and in the regular world. You just need to be true to yourself and those who know you will know it's bullshit."

The girls chatted for a bit longer before it was time for them to get ready for the evening. The challenge's outcomes were still the topic of conversation, till the girls were ready and headed downstairs. Whit led the group in a nice toast, before everyone broke off to chat. Sienna let Zach lead her over to one of the couches, sitting in close to his side. 

"So what was that head turning comment then?" Zach asked, looking down at Sienna who was avoiding his gaze. 

"I think I was protecting myself honestly," Sienna shrugged, looking out across the villa. "I feel like if we don't have that conversation, it would be less hurtful for me to think your head to turn and have it happen, than the opposite."

"I hear what you're saying," Zach nodded."But like, as of right now, we have a good connection, we are building something, and I can't see my head turning. Like you have all of the qualities I've been looking for."

"I can't either honestly," Sienna smiled lightly. "And even if someone does come in for either of us, I think it's really important to just be honest. We've both gotten to know other people, but as long as we have the communication that's all I ask. But I don't know, I want to just keep things going with you."

"Me too," he smiled, bringing his hand up to grasp her chin and press his lips smoothly to hers. He pulled back and the two settled back in before Sienna saw Whitney come back from the terrace. She pecked Zach quickly and scurried off to go get the gossip, which ended up being a two for one special with hearing about Whitney and Mehdi's kiss, and Jess' potential feelings with Mitch. 

"He is not gonna take that well," Sienna said as she watched Jess walk off to have a chat with Sammy. "He can't deal with that, he think he has her on lock."

"You really think so?" Catherine asked. 

"I do, but if he doesn't get up in arms about it, I guess I'm wrong."

Sienna was in fact not wrong as five minutes later, Jess was storming back over to them. The girl recounted the conversation, and then Whitney gave her some good advice. "Let him sweat," she said. "He needs to think he can lose you."

After the girls hyping her up, Jess went on to try the conversation with Sammy again. Sienna made her way to the kitchen like usual, making her night time snack. Zach came up and wrapped his hands around her waist, rocking her back and forth as they waited for her toastie, and Jess walked over to Sammy after he had stormed off from her, having a loud conversation. Sienna just watched wide eyed as she took bites of her toastie, feeding Zach over her shoulder as they watching the little blow up.

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