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"Good morning everyone," Sienna called out as she nudged Zach's body away from where he had been half laying on top of her to sit up in the bed. As the other islanders quizzed Whitney and Mehdi on their bedtime antics, Zach was still half asleep with his head on Sienna's chest and her fingers scratching at his scalp. 

Sienna laughed at the boy as he groaned under his breath when she tried to wiggle out from under him. The boy eventually sat up with a huff, leaving Sienna free to head to the dressing room. Sienna went out to join Catherine, Whitney and Molly on the second floor couches since it was so hot outside already. 

"How you feeling Whit?" Sienna grinned at the girl. 

"I'm feeling good, it was a good kiss," Whitney smiled. "We cuddled last night, it was nice."

"Did you have a kiss in bed?" Molly quizzed. 

"No kiss in bed, we're crawling not running," the girls all laughed. 

"Molly how about you, how are you feeling?" Catherine asked. The blonde went on to talk about how much she was enjoying Michael and getting to know the boy. "And Sienna, we saw you and Zach being all cuddly this morning."

"Yeah, it's going really well," Sienna smiled. "We both talked last night about the head turning question in the game because he was wondering probably if I felt like he was being untrustworthy. And I just explained that I was almost protecting myself with the answer, but he was really reassuring about it. I don't want to get my hopes up and believe that his head 100% won't turn, but I feel a lot more comfortable with him now I think."

The girls chatted about Catherine and Scott before they headed into the dressing room to get ready. As they were getting ready to head to the garden, Sienna's phone rang unexpectedly before she could even get down the stairs.

"Islanders, it's time to head out to the garden for a couples brunch!" she read out with a yell as the girls all got excited. They headed down to the bedroom quickly, updating the boys who could have looked a little more excited. The islanders were all surprised by the little tables in the garden with their food on it, all the girls getting excited over how cute it was. 

"Thank you babe," Sienna said as Zach nudged out her chair for her before taking his own seat. The two grabbed their glasses and raised them up. "Cheers to our first real date, never thought it would be in our swimmers but glad it's with you."

"Cheers to that," Zach smiled as the two sipped their mimosas and then turned to the food. "Are you a savory or sweet breakfast person?"

"I probably lean more towards savory," she said as she picked up the croissant and split it in half and offered him the other. "Like I love eggs and bacon on toast, or an omelet."

"I'm the opposite, I love like muffins or pancakes," Zach said as he took a bite of strawberry. 

"I just love breakfast food all around honestly," Sienna laughed. "So when you're at home, what does Zach's normal day look like." 

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