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day dates

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day dates

"How was the rest of your night last night," Molly asked Sienna the next morning as a few of the girls were sat on the terrace catching up. 

"You know this may sound very anti feminist of me," Sienna laughed. "But the way Zach came over when Sammy was raising his voice with me, and the way he spoke calmly to him, it gave me fanny flutters."

"Oh my god," Catherine let out a loud laugh as Sienna covered her face. After the girls stopped giving her shit, she carried on.

"But no, y'know what, I'll always be honest and that's why I said what I said. And I told him I don't think he's moved respectfully at all since he started things with Jess, and I'll stand by it," she shrugged. The girls all saw her side and, talked through their own evenings, before heading in to get ready for the day.

Sienna had a little swim with Leah that morning, before sitting in the sun to dry off. Once she did, she made her way to the day beds where she sat with Zach, Mitch and Scott and began discussing the sea creature they would be. "I'd be a seal," Sienna mused. "I seem cute and cuddly but if you make me mad or approach me and I don't want you to, I'll attack,"  the boys all laughed at her reaction. "What!"

"Sienna you're like 5'2," Scott scoffed. 

"5'3 thank you," Sienna frowned. "You should see me at the bar if a guy get's mouthy. One time I had to be pulled off a 6'3 Rugby player."

"Ok fiesty," Zach laughed as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest, ignoring her pout. While they were discussing the lives of prawns, Sienna's phone suddenly rang out. 

"I've got a text!" She called out. "Sienna and Zach, it's time for you to go on a date. Please get ready to leave the villa! #rideitout #smoothoperator."

The islanders all cheered as Sienna leaned over to kiss Zach on the cheek, before letting the girls take her up to get ready. "What do you think the date will be?" Catherine asked as she did her hair.

"I think something racing related," Sienna said. "The last hashtag is a catch phrase for one of the F1 drivers." 

"You look nice," Zach smiled as Sienna came through the foyer with the girls behind her. 

"Thanks babe," she grabbed his outstretched hand before waving to the rest of the group as they walked out the doors. After a short drive, they arrived at an outdoor track where a few carts were waiting for them. "I knew this would be it," Sienna cheered as they walked to a cart that held a few helmets. 

She let Zach buckle hers, before they got into the go carts. Sienna cackled as they zipped around, racing and almost bumping into each other. They lined up for one last lap, Sienna winning by a narrow margin. The two of them got out of the carts laughing, pulling off their helmets and heading over to where a table was set up with snacks and drinks.

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