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the fallout

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the fallout

The next morning, after pressing a kiss to a sleepy Zach's lips, Sienna headed to the terrace with Ella, Jess, Whit and Amber. Jess was still obviously upset over the night before, talking about her chat with Sammy, but ended with saying she wouldn't be letting him walk all over her, causing the girls to cheer. 

"Sienna, you had literally one clip you slag," Jess moved the conversation on. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, Kady is irrelevant to me," Sienna shrugged. "She needs to look in the mirror before calling someone else a game player, and I never would've said that before last night. But I think for me, like, I thought Mitch was at least my friend, but I know he's so close with Zach. So to hear his comments alone, and on top of that him hearing her call me that and say nothing was a bit shit."

Down in the garden, Mitch had finally joined the boys and was trying to talk through the clips they had seen. "You're moving like a snake bro," Zach said, trying to come off unbothered, when in reality he was. 

"I mean, those were all lacking context," Mitch defended. 

"I don't think so," Ty said. 

"I mean, with the Kady one, I wasn't the only one saying it was weird you didn't try it on with her," the boy said defensively. 

"Oh yeah? Which of you felt that way?" Zach looked to the other boys who were in the villa when Kady had joined. "Mitch, who was it."

"It was in groups bro," Mitch deflected. 

"Not with me there bro," Ty shook his head. "I wouldn't have kept quiet about that."

"I think what was worse was you let her call my girl a game player and never even defended her or told me if you felt that way," Zach frowned. "Like Sienna felt you were her friend, and then you're there talking shit? That's mad bro, and honestly it's changed my opinion of you I can't lie."

"Kady said it though, not me," Mitch shrugged helplessly.

"So you defended Sienna then?" Ty asked. 

"Nah, he just implied my girl was ugly and dating up," Zach scoffed, getting up from the day bed as he started to see the girls trickle out of the villa. He joined Sienna in the kitchen, watching the girl silently as she began to make her omelette. 

"Can I help you?" she looked to him with a quirked brow. 

"Waiting for you to start mine," he said with a smirk, laughing as she reached over to flick him. "You have a chat with the girls this morning?"

"I did," she nodded. "Felt nice. You boys get to chat?"

"Yeah," Zach sighed. "I had to walk away from Mitch bro, he was doing my head in."

"He's always doing my head in," Sienna laughed as she flipped her omelette. "That's a tough one yeah. But I don't want you to feel like you need to feel some type of way with him just to please me, like-."

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