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denim party

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denim party

"How did everyone sleep then?" Sienna asked the next morning as she sat up in bed, resting against Zach's side with her sunnies on. 

"Whitney moves a lot," Mehdi joked, the girl in question deadpanning him. 

"Sienna, Sammy, first night in the main bedroom, how you feeling?" Ty asked the two. 

"Can't complain honestly," Sienna laughed as Zach knocked her shoulder. Sammy was clearing feeling happy as well as he joked with Jess in bed before the islanders got up to group up for their debriefs. Sienna made her way onto the terrace with Ella, Molly, Jess and Whitney. 

She tried not to feel awkward when Molly talked about wanting to get to know Zach, but knew she was still really in the same boat. The girls eventually turned to her, asking how her night was. "Yeah, I'm quite a touchy feely person so to have a cuddle and that was just really nice. But today I'm still just focusing on getting to know people. Like, even though I do feel that spark with Zach, I would be dumb to put all my eggs in one basket this early."

The other girls voiced their agreement before heading inside to get into their bathing suits for the morning. As Sienna made her way to the garden, Sammy pulled her first to have a little debrief. "How you feeling about being in a couple with Jess?" the girl asked.

"I feel like she has such a great personality, it's so attractive," Sammy said. "She's also gorgeous. I just want to get to know her some more too. How are you feeling with Zach though?"

"I do think he's the boy I'm most interested in for sure," Sienna nodded. "But he's still got his thing going on with Catherine, and I know Molly wants to chat with him. So I am definitely still chatting with all the boys."

Sammy agreed and the two split up. Sienna found herself grabbing Mitch for a chat, even after their first date hadn't been the best. As they were sat, Sienna's eyes almost glazed over with how many times Mitch talked about Molly. The girl nodded her head at the right moments, and took her escape route the moment she could. Seeing Zach and Molly chatting, Sienna decided to take a breath and walk over. 

"You two alright?" Sienna asked as she approached, Zach's eyes making their way up her body. "Mol, do you mind if I steal him?"

"Of course babe," the blonde smiled, grabbing her water and saying goodbye then trotting off. 

"You look nice today," Zach said as Sienna sat down next to him. 

"You look nice too," Sienna laughed. "The black shorts are class."

"Thank you thank you," Zach smirked. "So how you feeling today?"

"I think I'm just making my rounds," Sienna said honestly. "Like you're getting to know the other girls and that's fine, I'm still getting to know you and trying to get to know the other boys too. It's what we're here for. But I do find myself wanting to pull you for chats obviously."

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