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A/N: the Magogite armed forces, part 1: the army

The Imperial Grand Army of Magog is the largest standing army in the world, having tens of millions of troopers able to fight in all kinds of environmemts. The soldier of the nation of Magog is called an Imperial Trooper. The highest ranking army commander is the Grand General who is in charge of all army operations. The army is divided in this way:

Squad of 10 led by a sergant
Platoon of 50 led by a captain
Battalion of 500 led by a major
Legion of 5,000 led by a colonel
Brigade of 20,000 led by a brigadier general
Division of 100,000 led by a major general
Corps of 1 million led by a general

The rank structure of the army is as follows:

Grand General or as it was used to be called, Field Marshal
Major general
Brigadier general
Lieutenant general
Lieutenant colonel
Standard soldier

Magogite imperial trooper

Standard armored transport

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Standard armored transport

Standard armored transport

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Main battle tank

Light scout walker

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Light scout walker

Light scout walker

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