Chapter 47 Black Pepper Kiss

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  The early winter of Capital Star brought a slight cold temperature, and the evening wind blew past the window, making a soft whistling sound, but the coldness was quickly swallowed up by the indoor heating system, and it did not affect the couple sitting opposite each other at the dining table.

After going through silence, arguing, and finally talking, the two of them are falling into some kind of unknown pink aura at the moment. Alpha is mature and stable, while Omega is reserved and calm. They are both grown-up couples. Even if they just communicated with each other one second before, they can still be calm the next second.


The silver tableware made a crisp sound when it was placed on the table. Xilin, who was holding a knife and fork to deliver food to his mouth, raised his head suspiciously. I saw a shadow in front of my eyes - Sein stood in front of him, bent over and clasped his waist, turned around and put it on his lap.

The beef Gulu in his mouth slid down his throat, and Xilin choked expressionlessly: "What are you doing?" "

I remember you said," Sein touched his slender waist: "You like this."

Xilin : "..."

Two huge words popped up in my brain—here I come.

It is risky to fabricate lies, and no one can tell whether the lies will come true one day in the future.

He did fabricate a lie about the intimate meal between the two, intending to create the illusion of a happy marriage, but this was obviously a picture conjured up out of thin air by the inexperienced Omega.

Holding an O in your arms for a meal sounds romantic, but in practice, it is neither convenient for eating nor for kissing. A kiss may be mixed with the smell of black pepper, which is not good at all.

"Oh, that was just a joke I made with you." Xilin said without changing his face.

Sein calmly said: "It's okay, we can make it a reality."

Xilin's ears quickly turned a little red, and he said: "Then you may be disappointed."

Sein said seriously: "Since you Having said that, I will definitely try my best to fulfill all your wishes."

Xilin: "I don't have this one in my wish for the time being."

Sein looked at him in disapproval and said, "I understand." He leaned forward , hugged Xilin even tighter, and put his chin on his shoulders. He liked Xilin's duplicity very much.

Cillin: "..."

What did Mr. Carverde understand?

He pushed his head on his shoulders - it's better not to turn this kind of thing into a family tradition.

"Xilin, you smell so good." Alpha gently rubbed towards the glands at the back of the neck, and his breath seemed to sprinkle on the surrounding skin. After marking, there is no need to strictly use drugs to cover up the pheromone smell. It smells faintly.

Xilin hesitated for half a second, then changed the movement of his hand into a hug, and said softly: "One day, I will find a way to change your pheromone, and you will smell better by then." "Do you think I will still smell good?

" Do you care about this?" Sein smiled: "In this world, you are the only one who can hurt me in terms of pheromones. As long as you don't dislike it, it doesn't matter whether it gets better or not." Xilin frowned: "Of course I don't dislike it.

" After saying this, he seemed a little embarrassed.

"Every word you say, I will take it to heart." Sein said, "Not only about how to eat, but also handing you clothes when you take a shower, having a goodnight kiss before going to bed, and even..."

Cillin interrupted with a headache: "That's enough, you don't need to say it."

Sein looked down at Omega for a while, and instead of continuing to list, he kissed the other party deeply on the face. , let out an overly loud "Bo" sound, "Okay, I won't say it. I will keep it in my heart." Saying

, Sein raised his fingers seriously, as if he was counting Xilin's weddings. After "wish".


Xilin's eyes gradually became dangerous, and he said angrily: "Kalvede, you can do it, and you are not allowed to mention those things when you lost your memory." Back then, he lied at will while taking advantage of people's ignorance; now that people have regained their senses, It would be very embarrassing, "If you really keep it in your heart, then think about what happened in college first."

Sein: "..." Patriarch Calvid spared no effort to "persecute" his Omega in college. Never take off the black history! This means that in the future married life, he has lost the right to speak.

It's a moment of pleasure to abuse an O, chasing his wife to the crematorium.

They all graduated from the same school, and no one is worse than the other in liquidation skills.

Sure enough, Sein died down and raised his hands to surrender.

Xilin said: "No matter what, since you have recovered, you will go to work on time in the future, and everything will be as usual." He deliberately emphasized the last four words, lest a certain A would bully O and deliberately bring up old things again, on the verge of his anger Probe wandering.

Sein maintained the posture of raising both hands, and expressed his unconditional approval to Xilin's proposal: "Okay, no problem." The life of the head of the

family A is beautiful, but the joy of raising O is even more inseparable.

"Xilin, I think..."

Cillin stared at him deeply: "You want to find Hill behind my back?"

Sein opened his mouth and changed his words, "No, I think we should have a good meal."

Cillin sat firmly on Sein's legs He remained motionless: "Are you planning to go to the alumni dinner?"

Sein was taken aback, and it took him a long time to realize that the clue that led to his exposure and almost becoming a divorced husband was the notice of the alumni dinner. He still had some doubts about this, so he answered very cautiously: "I will accompany you that day."

Xilin: "Sill is going too, where are your roommates?"

Sein said thoughtfully: "The dinner is just incidental, they We invited the more successful graduates of the same class to attend this year's graduation ceremony as speakers and audience." As a well-deserved

mining star boss this year, he was the first to receive invitations and speech invitations.

"Maybe in the near future, you will also receive contact from them, asking you to talk about entrepreneurial experience, social experience and so on." "

You seem to know a lot." Xilin grasped the key keenly, "They invited you ?"

Sein admitted, and said, "I refused."

No matter how much you say about the success of the son of a local tyrant, you can't take the first step: birth. That kind of inherent injustice can easily lead to the dark psychology of some people. The accumulation of net worth is not achieved overnight, the prosperity of the Carl Verde family is the result of the efforts of several generations.

Young people with high ambitions may look forward to the inspirational life of "building a new kingdom from scratch"; but in Sein's view, these so-called "new kingdoms" are nothing more than small city-states in front of absolute behemoths.

He is more inclined to dominate the entire kingdom than to build a small city. There is no distinction between the two being good or bad, and both require careful consideration and planning.

"Diesel and Negan are quite familiar." Sein explained tactfully that Negan was the initiator of the dinner party and the president of the student union. He thought that the reunion after graduation was of great significance, so he simply took advantage of this ceremony and invited some people to have dinner at a club near the university town. "Oh, by the way, Diesel is one of the speakers."

Xilin Somewhat surprised, his back was slightly straightened, and he waited quietly for the following.

Planter of K Star Rose Garden.

This is not an extremely high achievement in the capital university where elites gather.

"The topic of his speech has been determined." Sein said, "Advancement for extremely poor students."

Xilin: "..."

Sein patted his Omega on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Now getting rid of poverty and becoming rich is the mainstream. The second generation is no longer welcome."

Xilin was silent for a while, and then asked doubtfully: "I should also be considered as one of the people who got rid of poverty and became rich?"

Sein shook his head and said, "Do you think everyone really likes to find out how much money other people have? They prefer to listen to the gossip about love and marriage. If you go, you can only do speeches like Hui Omi's Journey to the Rich Family..." Xilin: "..." Sein: "There is


RE , People who don't know only choose to believe what they think, and they will think it is a gift from me."

Xilin frowned, which was blatant discrimination.

"That's right." Sein seemed to see through Xilin's inner thoughts, and said: "Prejudice is everywhere. No one knows better than me that RE can have today because of your support, but you are my partner, so I can't To avoid being unfairly labeled by some incompetent people."

"They have a point." Xilin's tone was unwavering, "Why did you let me start from nothing?"

"How much effort have you devoted to RE... What?" Sein was about to take the opportunity to exaggerate the strength and excellence of his partner, but he was suddenly tortured by the soul from Omega, and was stopped on the spot.

Xilin looked at him with extremely cold eyes, as if he was looking at a useless decoration, and in the next second he might say "you don't love me at all". There is nothing more aggrieved than the difficult pressure of starting a business, and the credit will be distributed after success.

Sein coughed dryly: "I just want you to rest assured that RE is your painstaking effort, and naturally it all belongs to you."

At the beginning, he had a guilty conscience, adhering to the principle of respecting each other, and did not interfere too much with the development of RE. The purpose is to prevent Xilin from feeling coerced and constrained, and giving birth to the illusion that "RE is a vassal of Carl Verde". In his heart, Xilin has always been an Omega with strong self-esteem. He is independent and powerful, and he is fully capable of making achievements in his field of expertise.

And as his partner, Sein only made some contributions secretly during several major crises.

So he worked very hard to draw a clear line between himself and RE. In RE, he only held a false title and never touched real power.

"If one day RE was in trouble, would you help me?" Sirin asked.

Sein's mind was agitated, but before he could react, his body had already honestly expressed his determination.

"Of course, this is not called helping, this is what we do together."

【Self-reliance is a beautiful virtue, but marriage is a relationship of mutual dependence. There is no need to worry about too many unnecessary issues, Omega will not lose dignity because of seeking help from his partner; Alpha will not lose responsibility for telling his partner about his worries. ]

Xilin feels that in terms of career, he has never encountered a situation of "seeking help from his partner", but expressing his desire to rely on his partner appropriately is also a way to maintain his relationship——Alpha is a partner There is a need for the "sense of expansion", and he has to let Sein inflate from time to time.

Xilin gave an "hmm".

Sein felt Omega's deep trust and dependence on him from this short "um", and he was very excited: "By the way, I originally agreed to give them a speech, and I even thought about the proposition of the speech. "

Xilin asked with great interest: "What did you think of, mine star?"

Sein said: "How to be a successful partner."

Xilin said blankly: "What partner?"

"Mate." Sein sighed When he spoke again, his tone was mixed with dissatisfaction, "But they declined!"

Xilin closed his mouth, he really couldn't answer these words. He couldn't have imagined such a dodgy keynote address on something as serious as a commencement ceremony.

Sein: "Success in marriage is also a successful aspect of life. In this regard, the alma mater is too narrow." Xilin

thought about it just now: "So they actually rejected you."

Sein retorted: "I and them, yes Mutual rejection."


Xilin skipped this topic expressionlessly: "When did the school contact you?"

Sein: "When you are lying in bed."

Cillin silently got off Alpha's lap and sat on Sein's right hand: "Then go and listen to Diesel's speech."

Sein: "My proposition is far away. It is more enlightening than his inspirational life that he has talked about a dozen times." Xilin

: "'s black pepper sauce tastes good."

Married "old couples" who have fallen in love with each other will inevitably become sticky like a brat. Sein tried to carry out a new married life in accordance with the items that Omega expressly hinted during the amnesia period-on the surface, he received Xilin's stern rejection, but secretly got a certain O's quiet cooperation.

The graduation ceremony and alumni dinner were scheduled for three days later. Sein was still regretting that he was rejected by the school for his keynote speech, and from time to time he would gossip about the topic in front of his own Omega. In the end, Xilin was very annoyed: "Marriage, love? You know Wall, Baldo Colin?"

Sein was at a loss.

Xilin: "Only when you reach their level, you are qualified to give such a lecture at the graduation ceremony."

My partner suddenly turned into someone else's fanboy, which made Sein feel uncomfortable, but the next sentence of the other party completely extinguished his eagerness to move rebuttal thoughts.

"On the issue of a partner, no one is more qualified than me to comment." The light green eyes contained infinite meaning, "We are responsible for the happy marriage rate of young people in the motherland in the future.

" Alpha, save it.

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