Chapter 49 During the Alumni Dinner

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 Xilin also looked at the stage curiously. Seeing the perseverance of many students, Diesel said, "Oh, that's because he wanted to take advantage of his wedding anniversary to create a little surprise for his partner. During that time, he often contacted me and paid attention to the movements of roses. For this reason, I even I personally transported this batch of roses from K star to the capital star, and I was fortunate enough to witness the layout of the venue, very..." He paused for a few seconds, and thought of a word: "Grand." The roses that can cover half of the auditorium are

also The venue was specially arranged. It sounds like a bad street plot in some interstellar hit drama, but if it is put in real life, it can still touch people's hearts.

It turned out to be for a partner. Xilin nodded in understanding: Diesel's client was quite romantic, but I don't know why this surprise ended without a problem.

"As for the cancellation, it seems that something unknown happened, but I have observed that the relationship between the two is more harmonious than before." Diesel's gaze penetrated a few meters away and fell on the couple in the audience. The two figures next to each other said, "After all, it's someone else's business, and I'm not the person involved, so let's talk about roses." The audience booed, and the

students sitting in the back row of Xilin whispered to the people beside them : "It's made up again, right?"

The person next to him gave a confused "Ah", with a little sleepiness in his voice: "Are you still listening? I knew it was fake when I heard 'half the auditorium' Yes. The seniors must think that we will believe in these exaggerated and superficial plots just like they did when they were young."

Sein coughed, looked back, and looked at the two brats who dared to question the seniors, coldly With a smile: "Who said it's fake."

Xilin looked at him curiously. The two Tucao juniors in the back row stared blankly at the big guy in the front row who suddenly interrupted their discussion—a suit and tie, he looked like a social elite, and he didn't look like a gossip?

But Sein couldn't directly admit that he was the person involved, so he could only say: "This one on the stage was a person who couldn't tell lies when he was a student."

The student who just woke up from a doze asked curiously: "Sir, are you in the same class as Senior Diesel?"

Sein said: "Of course, we are in the same class."

The student's eyes lit up: "You are also invited to the graduation ceremony , will you give a speech later?"

Sein Gaoshen said: "I am here to accompany my partner to visit my alma mater."

The student said "Wow", his eyes moved to Xilin, and he stared slowly after seeing clearly Eyes widened: "You are...the photo on the college wall!"

Xilin was silent for a moment, vaguely remembering that the college has a fine tradition of hanging photos of outstanding graduates on the wall for public display, so he nodded and introduced himself: "Xilin Kells, 8100 graduates."

The student leaned over Xilin's chair excitedly: "My name is Taiqi, and I know you! The professor said that you are his most satisfied student, and you have been hanging on the wall of the college gate for five years. I have a picture of you! Everyone in our academy knows you!"

Xilin didn't expect that he would have such a high status in the hearts of his juniors, and he was a little flattered for a while.

The student said: "You are the one with the thickest hair!" He blinked shyly: "You are also the prettiest."

Xilin: "..." He thought it was because of pheromones, the founder of RE, etc. No matter how bad it is, it is also the various academic awards he has won.

—and not because of some superficiality.

But there are tens of thousands of excellent people, but excellent and good-looking people are very precious. The students clearly knew who they should look up to.

Seeing the Alpha students who appeared suddenly and staring at Xilin with admiration, Sein abruptly took over the conversation: "Xilin has always been excellent."

The students near the back row had already heard the movement, and they all pricked up their ears, paying attention to the movement here.

Sein said: "I am his partner."

The student who inexplicably swallowed a mouthful of dog food had no choice but to praise hypocritically: "You are so well matched."

Sein was very useful: "I am in the same class as him, and I can be regarded as your senior. The

student was a little surprised, and obediently called out: "Hello, senior."

Sein nodded with satisfaction, held Xilin's hand, and looked back at the stage.

Student: "..."

Just as the student was about to continue speaking, the principal glanced over calmly, and everyone immediately sat down firmly, not daring to whisper.

Diesel has finished his speech. There was applause in the hall. In the applause, Sein pulled Xilin over and whispered something in his ear: "The reason why the customer canceled the rose, only I know.

" , solemnly make a confession. Among the three sexes, Alpha is the closest to the existence of instinctive creatures. In many ways, they will not force themselves to go against their hearts, and it is even more impossible for them to calmly endure the company of a person they don't love for many years. In many cases, there are already signs of things, but the parties concerned cannot see clearly and dare not think about it.

"If there were no accidents, those roses would have appeared on our anniversary." Sein was full of regret.

Xilin pondered for a while in doubt, until he digested the information behind this sentence, he raised his head in surprise.

"You mean..."

Sein pinched Omega's right heart: "I was all prepared." He sighed, "But the plan always fails to keep up with the changes."

Xilin: "..."

Sein said, "Do you like roses? Next time, will you cover the entire auditorium?"

Omega's face slowly turned red.

It seemed that another speaker had changed on stage, but what was said in detail had been turned into an erratic background sound, which could not be heard clearly.

He looked around nonchalantly, trying to calm down, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of something wrong. He froze for a moment, then turned his head slowly, and found that several students sitting in the back row were resting their cheeks together and their ears sideways. Hear it with gusto.

How can successful learning be better than the ready-made gossip insider, besides, they didn't do it on purpose, sitting so close, it's hard not to hear it. People with good looks will attract the attention of a group of single dogs when they talk about love.

Sein grabbed the head of his Omega back and smiled towards the back row.

When the ceremony was over, Sein rejected the invitation of Diesel and others to go with him, walked from the auditorium to the college with Xilin, and returned to the place where they first met. Surrounded by young people brimming with youth, their faces have not yet been stained with the troubles of reality, and the scenery along the road remains the same as before.

The alumni dinner is at a western restaurant that has been open for decades near the university. When they arrived, many people had already come inside, and the chatter could be heard far away.

"It's just a small business, don't make fun of me."

"How can this be called a small business? Although it's not as good as a family like Carl Verde, but Stick, you started from scratch, and the current development is entirely on your own Ability!"

"I heard that senior sister Irene got married not long ago?"

"Yes, because the wedding was held on Star S, so I didn't send you an invitation."

"That's really congratulations."


Xilin originally thought that this was just a small-scale gathering, but after walking in, he realized that it was quite different from what he had expected. The president of the student union has booked the entire restaurant with a lot of money, and the layout of the restaurant has also undergone huge changes. Compared with the alumni dinner, it is more like a club party, and the number of people is also very spectacular. In addition to the few people who were invited by their alma mater to watch the ceremony, there were also many people who lived near Capital Star and were free.

Hill was talking to a bunch of Alphas. Behind him, a red-haired young man named Alpha folded his arms and stared at him silently, occasionally taking a sip of the red wine at hand—it is also a distressing thing if a partner is too good and too popular. "By the way, Hill, what kind of work does your Alpha do?" Someone

asked with great interest, "I've been curious about it for a long time."

The pursuit of Hill has been spread almost throughout the school, and it can be said that everyone knows it. Among other things, Sein Calvid's qualifications, whether it is appearance or background, belong to the high-quality Alpha, but Hill still doesn't like it, and in the end he fell in love with the red-haired Alpha of Boundary Star .

Hill smiled: "He's a club's fitness trainer now."

The Alphas in elite attire cast a subtle look at Ron.

Fitness coach?

This is obviously not such a noble profession in the minds of graduates of Capital University.

Hill restrained his smile, said a few words to the people around him, and then came to Ron.

Ron naturally heard their conversation, saw him coming over, and asked, "Is the talk over?"

Hill: "Well, I see that you like drinking the red wine here very much, and I want to try it too."

Ron handed him the red wine he had drank a few sips at hand: "That Carl Verde is here."

Sein appeared At that time, there was a moment of stagnation in the arena. Carl Verde is an existence to look up to no matter where he is. After leaving the campus, many inherently destined distances inevitably appear. Although this feeling is not beautiful, it is also very real.

I don't know who got up and shouted, and then some people gathered one after another to say hello to Sein.

Xi Lin stood aside, as if under the light of her own Alpha, all sense of existence was covered. He looked around and found Xierfufu who were whispering together, then left Sein and walked towards them.

"I didn't expect there to be so many people." Hill gave Cillin a hug, and said softly, "I knew that Negan invited so many nasty guys, I would never come." Ron nodded and turned

towards Xilin said hello.

Cillin had a certain understanding of the Alpha of the Hill family who didn't talk much, so he didn't make too much politeness, and nodded slightly in response.

Ron took another wine glass and quietly left room for the two good friends to chat - he was still very relieved of Omega.

Xilin said lightly: "If you want to meet us, you don't need to use the name of other people's dinner."

Hill raised his eyebrows: "I would like to."

Xilin: "..."

Hill touched his chin and glanced at the crowd Sein found that the other party also frequently looked in their direction, but he couldn't get away for a while. Hill said: "It seems that you have made great progress. You used to be very close."

Xilin: "Oh, that's all in the past."

Hill looked at him meaningfully.

Look at this confident and confident look, tsk tsk, "Who told me in the first place, don't let me appear in..."

Xilin interrupted blankly: "Hill, you have changed."

Hill didn't do it He retorted, with a gentle and sincere smile still on his face.

Xilin: "..."

I don't know if Bianjixing's feng shui is different, which has influenced a gentle and elegant young Beta into his current personality.

"Xilin." A male voice sounded from behind, temporarily interrupting the "reminiscence" between the two of them.

Xilin turned around and saw a slightly familiar man. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and his hair was combed meticulously. He seemed to be a serious person.

He passed that person's face in his mind, and then suddenly remembered the other person's name: "Stick."

Stick: "You still remember me." He was obviously a little happy, and looked at Xilin calmly , asked: "How have you been these past few years?"

Xilin remembered that he did not have a deep friendship with Stick.

He didn't have many friends in college. Stick was also a hard-working student when he was a student, but he was quite gregarious. He always got together with other top students to discuss knowledge. The topic quarreled, and there was a lot of noise-it was a more serious temperament.

Xilin is also a top student, but he prefers to study quietly rather than increase his knowledge through debates. As a result, he had almost no communication with Stick, so it was really a bit surprising to see him take the initiative to talk to him at this moment.

"Fortunately, there are more opportunities in Capital Star." Out of politeness, he asked back: "What about you?"

Stick waved his hand: "It's so-so, I started a small company and just barely make ends meet."

Xilin: "In Capital Star?"

Stick nodded.

Opportunities are everywhere in the capital city, but various costs are also high. Being able to start a company here is definitely not an "ordinary" realm. Xilin thinks this should be the other party's humble term.

So he complimented the other party a few words along the way.

Stick's eyes turned around him, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes: "I heard from Negan that you can bring your companions to the party. Did you come alone?" Xilin: "

I I came here with Sein."

Stick was taken aback, and then laughed "haha" twice: "I haven't seen you in a few years, you are much more humorous."

Xilin: "?"

Stick: "I met you at the door Cillin

: "No..."

Stick suddenly approached and whispered, "I remember that guy liked to bully you when I was in college."

Cillin: "..."

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