Tape 1, side B

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Welcome back! Thanks for hanging out for part two!

If you're still listening to this, one of two things just happened:

A. You're Chris, and after hearing your little tale, you want to hear who's next.

Or: B, you're someone else, and you're waiting to see if it's you.

Well, Matthew.. Its your turn.

I'm sure you have no idea why you're on here, Matt. You probably think you did a good thing, right? I mean, all you did was try to be funny and make a joke, yes?

I mean, I wouldn't consider it a good thing. Especially with the backlash and consequences it had on me.

Remember that time in a car video when I was yelling? Probably about something stupid.. And you got all "upset" ?

But you weren't. You were faking it?

Remember how all the "fans" got mad at me, and assumed that I make your anxiety worse?

I don't.

I never have.

Listen, Matt. If you seriously think I'm going to be pissed off and upset about the "tiniest things" or taking everything "too seriously"... No ones making you listen.

Sure, I am pressuring you with that second set of tapes, but "who cares if people think I give you anxiety?!"

Well, I can name a list of people who would care very much if these tapes got out.

So let's begin, shall we?

Maybe some people are on your side of this silly argument, and maybe, in those fucked-up little minds of theirs, they really do think I give you anxiety.

But I don't try. I have never once given you anxiety, Matthew. At least, not on purpose. I'd never hurt you on purpose.

But now, my image is ruined -was ruined- and that's not what the people think. Especially when you decided to keep going, and do it multiple times in different videos.

But, let me put it this way; I don't think I was the deciding factor for you to act like I made you upset or gave you anxiety.

I think, the deciding factor was revenge.

But this tape is not about your motivation, Matt. Although, that is coming up.

This tape is about how people change when they see your name on a stupid list, or TikTok video about how terrible of a person you are.

You agree that I'm not terrible, yes? We agree on that?


Because I need to get my point across, here.

[Papers rustling. A moment of silence.]

Okay, I've just looked over every name. Every list of people on these tapes.. And guess what?

Every name, every event, every reason would never have happened if you, Matt, hadn't ever faked anything and made people hate me.

You needed a reason to get the attention off of yourself when you were mad, and you chose me. Since Chris already had a certain image after everything going on with him.


You just needed me to be hated on and harassed, too.

And the snowball keeps a-rolling...

Thanks, Chris.

So, to back it up a bit: This tape isn't about why you did what you did, Matt.

Its about the repercussions of what you did. More specifically; It's about the repercussions to me.

Its about the things you didn't plan. Things you couldn't plan.

(Literally had no idea for this one, so I chose a topic "fans" used to hate on Nic.)

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