93. Love.

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Footsteps were step, step, stepping down the hallway. One person, but then two people. One was Negan- Rosie could always tell when it was Negan. The other person, though, Rosie couldn't recognize by their footsteps. She was drawing in the notebook she had found in her backpack. She was drawing stars, even though stars were very easy to draw. She just wanted to do something that would distract her from thinking. Thinking about everything that had happened.

It was all so confusing. He had hurt her by hurting her family, but he also helped her. If I could take your pain and make it mine, I would. That was what he said. But, even if that was what he could do if had the capability to do it, he still couldn't actually make Rosie's pain his own. So, even if he said and even if he was telling the truth, it was worth nothing because Rosie's heart was still shattered into a million tiny pieces. She still hurt, and she still had that empty feeling inside of her, even if he wished it was him who hurt and him who had that empty feeling inside.

The problem was that, after everything he did, when he hugged her and comforted her, it still felt like it was Coach Smith who was hugging her and comforting her. Rosie knew it was wrong and he was bad, but when he when she was falling apart on the floor of the cell, she couldn't help but lean into the embrace, because she felt like she used to. Because he used to be her safe person- she could always, always go to his house when she needed to, and he or Lucille would be there to help her. But now, he wasn't so safe anymore, and Rosie cursed herself for forgetting that, even if it was just for a little while.

Now, though- now she remembered. So when she heard Negan's footsteps coming down the hall, she took a deep breath, reminding herself to be brave and tough. No more crying.

But who did those other footsteps belong to?

"Where is she?" an angry, tense voice asked. Was that-? Was that Carl's voice? What was he doing there? He couldn't be there. He couldn't.

"Where's who?" Negan asked, a joking tone to his voice.

"Where's Rosie?" Carl's voice specified.

"Calm the hell down and I might tell you," Negan responded.

"Carl?" Rosie said loudly, moving closer to the door. She kicked it once, then twice. "Carl!"

"Rosie?" Carl's voice got louder, closer.

"Hey!" Negan's voice scolded. "You don't go anywhere I don't tell you to go, or I'll cut your other eye out and put the optic nerve into Rosie's next bowl of macaroni and cheese."

"Let me out," Rosie said, furrowing her eyebrows to make herself look tough, even though Negan couldn't even see her through the door. Maybe it was just to make herself feel tough. "I won't run. Promise."

"You promised you'd follow the rules at Alexandria, and then you tried to kill me. You really think I'm gonna trust a word out of your mouth?" Negan asked, raising his eyebrows. Rosie leaned her forehead on the door, sighing. She really meant it this time. She knew that she'd get caught, even if she tried running away. She wasn't stupid. "But, seeing as I'm right here with beautiful Lucille right in my hand, I'm gonna let you say hi to your pal Carl," Negan continued. Upon hearing this, Rosie perked up a little, waiting for the door to open. It still didn't. "What do you say?" Negan asked.

Rosie sighed and dropped her head backwards in complaint. "Thank you," she said, her voice bitter.

"You are very welcome!" Negan said, finally unlocking the door. Rosie was nearly bouncing on her toes, her heart hammering in her chest.

As soon as the door swung open, Carl pulled Rosie into a hug. Rosie felt like crying again, but she held it in, because she was tough. She had to show Negan that she was tough. She had to stop crying in front of him so he would stop caring. She had to show him that she hated him, and maybe then he'd understand. Maybe then he'd let her go. So she would be tough. She wouldn't cry.

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