94. Cognitive Dissonance.

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There were three knocks on the cell door. "Rosie," Negan said with that same irritating, sarcastic tone to his voice that he always seemed to have. "I gotta talk to you, kid," he said. Rosie huffed. She had a feeling she knew what he wanted to talk to her about. Negan unlocked and opened the door using that damn key Rosie needed so badly. He leaned on the doorframe, just like he always did, and Rosie glared at him, just like she always did. He crouched down in front of her, and she wanted to kick him. "So," Negan began, raising his eyebrows a little. "Do you have any idea what I'm in here to ask you about?" he asked, sounding very much like a teacher again.

Yes. "No."

"So you have no idea where Daryl is right now?" Negan asked. Rosie shrugged.

Technically, she didn't know where Daryl was. All she knew was that he wasn't here. But she pretended she didn't actually know that either. "Prob'ly with that asshole, Dwight," Rosie said. Negan almost laughed at that, but he kept his composure.

"Well, he's not with that asshole, Dwight, because that asshole, Dwight, is right out in the hall, and he says that Daryl's gone. You're telling me you don't know anything about that?" Negan asked, a condescending quality to his voice that made Rosie want to tell the truth even less.

"Wait, so Daryl ain't here?" Rosie asked, trying to pretend like she didn't already know that.

"Damn," Negan murmured, examining Rosie's face to try and figure out whether or not she was lying. Rosie wasn't always the best at lying, but she was really trying her hardest this time, and it actually seemed to be working. Negan seemed convinced. "That asshole really just left without you," Negan said. Rosie narrowed her eyes at him. She wished she could tell him that Daryl wasn't an asshole and he only left without her because he had to. But that would give up her act of ignorance, so she couldn't do that.

"Let me talk to her," Dwight said, appearing in the doorway. His face was all bruised and he looked exhausted. Rosie hated him so, so much. He was the one who was hurting Daryl. He stole Daryl's crossbow, and he stole Daryl's angel wing vest, and he was practically trying to be Daryl. But he couldn't be Daryl because you can't be Daryl and be a spineless asshole at the same time.

Negan twisted to look back at Dwight. "Why? Kid says she doesn't know," he said. Rosie wanted to laugh at him for believing her so easily, but she wasn't sure if he was putting on an act, too. Maybe he was acting like he believed her because he thought it would make her like him more. He was good at tricking her like that, and now she was on edge.

"Dixon's a piece of shit, but he wouldn't just leave his kid like that. Not without at least talking to her first," Dwight reasoned, gesturing towards Rosie.

"She's not his kid," Negan said, his voice sounding somewhat bored, but somewhat angry.

"Still. They're attached. I can get the truth out of her," Dwight said, seeming so sure of it.

Negan worked his jaw a little bit, staring back at Dwight. He didn't seem very pissed off before, but he seemed pissed off now. "No. You were responsible for him. You can go find him yourself. You don't need a little kid to do your job for you," he ranted, his voice and face tense.

Dwight seemed frustrated at that, but he tried not to let it show. "Yes, sir," he said before disappearing back into the hallway.

Watching the doorway until Dwight left, Negan sighed. He felt conflicted. Angry because Dwight said he could get the truth out of her- angry that Dwight thought he'd let him question a kid using force, not just because it was Rosie, but because she was a kid. He was powerful, and he wanted everyone to know that he had no mercy, but he did. He had mercy. He didn't want any kid to get hurt, but especially Rosie. And, honestly, he felt bad for Rosie, being left here by Daryl. But at the same time, he was glad Daryl left her, because now his threat was out of the way.

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