Chapter 12: Catfight.

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"The mask men had shot The detective and now had my aunt." Even though she hasn't been nice to me. I was not about to lose another family member.

So I borrowed black pants. Some black gloves. And luckily the jack that I was wearing was black and there was a black mask too. And as the men were robbing everyone there.

The leader of the bunch who was holding on to my aunt had also spoken to the crowd. What a nice generous donation we have made to our cause and we found the detective that we were sent here to kill.

but before we send everyone here to the next world. there is one other thing I need to ask. We are also looking for a redhead girl wearing a green cat amulet if anyone has seen her please step forward and tell us if not well it looks like your nine lives are up too.

Speaking of nine lives. Everyone looked up and saw me sitting on the top of the stage watching them like a cat watching its prey. Losers. I said. So you boys thought that you could just come here and rob these people of all their things.

Bad idea. But, putting you idiots in the hospital what a perfect idea. Now who the heck is that? One of the men asked. Who cares, shoot her. The men had opened fire believing that they had shot me.

Boy were they wrong. Because out of the smoke I had leaped over them and had tossed one of them at the wall. Causing him to go splat like a bug. Another one was loading his gun.

That feeling had told me to move.  So I did. As he opened fire I had leap and jump off of the walls like a cat. And then on to him smashing him to the floor taking his gun from him.

And then I had knock the rest of them on their butts like a welled skilled martial artists. And the one who had my aunt was pointing his gun at her.

Hold it he told me. I slowly turned to him. Stay right where you are or this one gets an extra hole to breath through. But before he could pull the trigger. My aunt had kicked below the belt and had then headbutted him.

Which had given me the chance to pounce on him and then drop him face-first onto the hard floor. And as I dragged him by one of his legs he ask me. What the hell are you?

Me? I'm just a black cat. Meow. Then I hit him in the face and had help my aunt back onto her feet. And had taken the bags with all of the crowd's stolen objects. And gave them back.

And just as I was about to leave. I said to the fashion designer. Thanks for letting me borrow the outfit. It is nice. And with that being said. I had taken my leave by leaping back up to the top of the stage and said to the crowd.

Meow. And as I was putting the outfit back where I had got it from. The only thing that I had decided to hold on to was the black mask. And it did not take too long for the Detective to receive help from his partner.

Who had arrived soon on the scene to help his partner with some other officer.  (Cooper) How is he? He will be just fine. The bullet didn't hit anything important.

(Saraya) That is good to hear. Now maybe you can help me with a new question. And what is that? Has anyone seen my niece anywhere?

(willow) Right here. There you are. Where did you get off too? Well, when I heard the gunfire I went and hid someplace. And when I heard the cop cars arrive. I figured that it was safe to come out.

So, what did I miss? A lot. Ray told me. Robbers were holding the whole show hostage. And it sounded like they were looking for you. What makes you think that?

They said that they were looking for a redheaded girl with a cat amulet. Which means that they were. Did my partner and I tell you to stay someplace safe?

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