Chapter 6. Who is it? (Part 1/2)

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Gyuri: There is a company meeting at 1 p.m. Then you will have a meeting with King company later today also.

I looked at Gyuri as she would read up the plans for today. I glanced from time to time to my little fingers to catch the destiny string but there was none like the existing of my brain cells. Does it only appear in special moments or is it because Gyuri isn't my destined partner?

Gyuri: This is what there is for today. I know that it may seem a little bit stressful with all of this but don't worry, the other days will be a lot easier.

Jahoon: It's fine. That is what comes with the job. Let's go to the first one before we arrive there too late.

We stood up and walked to my car before driving to the first meeting of the day. I glanced at Gyuri for a few seconds before returning my eyes back to the road, gathering my courage.

Jahoon: Gyuri?

Gyuri: Yeah?

Jahoon: Are you free today after work? I thought it would be fun if we could spend some time together other than when we are at work.

Gyuri: I'm free. I'm always free for you.

I turned to look at Gyuri as she smiled at me. Well, that was easier than I thought.

I looked up from my phone when I heard the door to Gyuri's house go up and close soon after. Gyuri walked over to me with a big smile on her face. She was just wearing a simple outfit of jeans and a black shirt with a white button-up shirt over it. Even with just that she managed to look this beautiful.

Jahoon: I'm sorry but I have to say that you are a magician or something because how in the world are you able to look this stunning in just jeans and a simple shirt meanwhile I look like a potato with any type of clothes?

Gyuri covered her mouth with one hand and giggled, giving me her signature eye smile that I have come to love.

Gyuri: You are too sweet and humble Hoon but thank you for the compliment.

Jahoon: Hoon?

Gyuri: I'm sorry. I just thought that since we are somewhat close-

Jahoon: Is fine! It just caught me a little by surprise but I like it. I should find a nickname for you then... What about Gyul?

Gyuri: I love that!

Gyuri smiled widely. It made me feel happy with her. We began making our way to the nearby park to just enjoy the nice weather there was right now. Something inside of me wanted to grab and hold Gyuri's hand. I shyly tried to reach to hold hers but to my surprise, Gyuri was doing the same thing! We grabbed a hold of each other's hands and didn't let go even after we got to the park. My face was already heated up a lot but I acted like normal.

Gyuri: The weather is nice today....

Jahoon: Yeah...

Silence filled the space between us once again. It wasn't the awkward type of silence but actually a more pleasant one. We got to a nice spot where we could sit down. It was a little secluded area in front of a small river where you could sit and be comfortable without having to worry about judgment. I took out the blanket that I had packed for today and laid it out so the both of us could sit down on the grass without getting dirty.

Gyuri: You have prepared a lot for today. There is so much food and activities we can do with what you have packed!

Gyuri looked surprised when I opened not only the basket with food that I had prepared for the both of us but also the backpack that I was wearing with different stuff that I thought we could do and enjoy while we were here.

Jahoon: I know and I know that you have talked a bit about the things that you like but I wanted to know more about your favorite things so I packed a little bit of everything. To be honest, I couldn't decide what I should bring so I just bought everything.

Gyuri: That's so sweet of you~

Gyuri smiled widely at me. We grabbed some food first before we began playing a few rounds of Pétanque. I found out that her favorite food was meat and that her favorite activity to do when she had time was to watch movies.

Jahoon: I have been playing this for a long time but you are already better than me even though it is your first time. What aren't you good at?

I looked at Gyuri with amusement as she managed to win over me in the last two rounds that we played. Gyuri jumped in excitement, making me chuckle at her. It made me happy to see her happy like a kid. She flipped her hair behind her with much confidence.

Gyuri: Well I know that I'm good. And since you lose you have to pay for ice cream for us. I saw an ice cream store over there. I want one with chocolate and strawberries!

Jahoon: Well what the queen wants is what the queen gets.

I bowed down to her as a servant would do to a queen in a teasing manner. Gyuri giggled and pushed me lightly on my shoulder. I made her wait while I quickly ran over to the ice cream shop and got one for each of us. I walked back to Gyuri to see her playing with a random kid. I stopped from a distance and watched them play tag with each other. Gyuri was smiling widely as she ran around "trying" to catch the little girl. She looked really happy. The way she was playing with the kid was really adoring. Playing on the kid's level but making sure that she was still gentle with them. I walked over to them and was about to open my mouth to say something when the kid, to Gyuri's surprise, ran right between her legs, making her lose balance. I quickly ran over to her and dropped the ice creams on the way. I wrapped my arms to prevent Gyuri from falling as she wrapped her arms around my neck. During the process, both of our faces got near each other. I could feel her hot breath hitting my face. We stayed in that position due to the shock of it. What is that? The red string! It appeared once again! So Gyuri must really be my destined partner but I still have to go out with Jiwon to be sure.

Mom: I'm so sorry for the trouble that Minhee had caused you. Minhee! Quickly! Apologize to the sweet people.

Minhee: I'm sorry~

Gyuri and I stood back up as the little girl apologized. Gyuri kneeled down to the girl's level and smiled.

Gyuri: You don't have to worry about that Minhee. It was an accident after all.

Minhee: Unnie, is that girl your girlfriend? She is so pretty.

Mom: Alright, I think we have taken enough time with the sweet people here. Thank you very much for your kindness.

The girl's mom bowed and left with the girl. Gyuri smiled looking after them before suddenly turning around and looking at me.

Gyuri: Are you okay?

Jahoon: I'm fine, I should be the one asking you about that.

Gyuri: I'm fine...

Gyuri strolled off and looked at the ice creams that I had dropped to save Gyuri.

Gyuri: I'm so sorry for that. I will buy the next one as an apology.

Jahoon: You don't have to worry about that. It's not your fault after all. Let's pack up and go and get another ice cream at the store. And I will pay.

I pointed at her jokingly, making her laugh, and acted like she was defeated. We packed up and walked to the ice cream shop to get ice cream. To be honest, if Gyuri was my real destined partner then I wouldn't mind.

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