Chapter 15. Jail

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For some people prison can feel like a home if they haven't got any before but for most people, it is like hell. After the visit by Gyuri, I was taken to a room where I had to change my clothes to prisoners' clothes. I was then taken to another part of the prison facility where I was put into a cell with a few other female criminals.

Prisoner 1: Well well. Look who we have here.

Prisoner 2: Don't worry my dear. We are going to have so much fun together.

They all giggled and laughed as they began to slowly walk closer to me before they all jumped at me and began laying their punches and kicks at me. They were really enjoying themselves as I just took every one of their punches. I really wanted to fight back but I knew that it was only going to hurt my case if I ever wanted to get out of here. Eventually, they just gave up and stopped hitting me, returning back to their bunks. I just kept lying on the ground until I got my breath back. I just had to hold it. I just have to hold it a bit more.

The next day I was brought into the interrogation room where I was sat down at the opposite side of the table with a detective sitting on the other side.

Detective: Well it would be better for you to come clean now. We have you on tape and a lot of witnesses telling us about all you have done. Come clean and you will get a less harsher sentence.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, the door to the room opened up and a man in a suit walked in the room.

Man: Do not say anything more. I’m her lawyer. Unless you are going to charge her with something, you will have to let her go.

Detective: Don’t worry, we are going to charge her with physical violence and damage. You will have to try and get her out in court but I’m just going to help you but you will never be able to do that because we have clear evidence of her guilt.

Lawyer: We will see about that. For now, you’ll have to leave the room to give some privacy to my client.

The detective nodded with sassiness and left the room with another police officer. The lawyer sat down where the detective had sat and smiled a bit at me.

Lawyer: I’m Kim Jihoon, the lawyer of Saerom. She has told me everything. I know that things may seem a little too dark right now but don’t worry. Please trust me when I say that I will get you out but you have to promise me something in return: please don’t get yourself in any kind of trouble. There may be people who are out for you and are going to bother you. I know that you would want to fight but keep the urge inside of you.

I sighed and nodded. I had to believe in him. If Saerom believed in him then I had to as well. Jihoon walked me through everything in terms of the legal process as well as the case itself. It didn’t take long since I knew the law after all. Jihoon left and I was about to stand up when I was told to sit back down. When would I even get a break? At this rate, it would be better for me to just be out of prison. I stared at the wall in front of me when I suddenly heard the door open and I turned my head to see Jiwon walking inside the room. She sat down at the chair that Jihoon had occupied and waited for the guard to leave before she began talking.

Jiwon: Jahoon… how are you doing here?

Jahoon: As good as you can get while being in prison. What are you doing here? Not that I really love and appreciate that you are here but I thought that you hated me.

Jiwon bit her lower lip as she looked elsewhere than me. She sighed and suddenly grabbed my hands in hers which caught me by surprise.

Jiwon: I can’t keep this any longer. I know that I have seemed like I have been hating you and to be honest, I did at first but now I… don’t. I have been trying to keep my feelings away from you but seeing how you genuinely care about me and the other girls, I really admire you for that. Even after I have pushed you away, you still keep on trying to get closer to me. I know that it might sound insane right now but I really want to be your friend… I really want to get you to know.

Jiwon looked at me directly into my eyes with a kind of sad expression on. I looked at her for a moment to detect a lie or something but I could see that she was genuine. I sighed and held a bit tighter around her hands and looked down at them when I noticed the red string appeared. It was gone like the one with Gyuri. It was still there even after I got here… I looked up at Jiwon and smiled.

Jahoon: And I really want to get to know you too. But… do you still want to after… all of this? Gyuri doesn’t want to…

Jiwon looked at me surprised for a moment before her expression turned into anger.

Jiwon: I can’t believe her. None of what had happened was your fault at all. Yeah, you may be the one who did it but if it wasn’t for them hurting and killing the people that you loved then none of this would have happened at all. Don’t worry, I will never be like Gyuri. I will always be by your side unless you do something really stupid and idiotic that is completely your own fault.

Jiwon pointed her finger at me as a warning. I raised my hands up in defence as I chuckled at her response. Jiwon continued to chat with me for a while until it was time for her to go. Just as she was about to go, she came over to me and hugged me tightly until the guard had to “throw” her. I was returned back to my cell where I of course was beaten up once again after they had all woken up from their nap.

After a while in prison, 1 month to be exact. During my time here almost all of the girls have come to visit me from time to time. The one who came here every day was Jiwon. She would stay here with me right from the time she was able to visit until the time she had to leave. The only one that I hadn’t seen once was Gyuri. Today is the day that I finally will be able to get out. Jihoon has been trying everything in his power to get me out sooner than that but of course, Mr. Heo would try anything to keep me inside forever. In the end, the case went to court and the only thing to get me out was a bail of 132.288.000 won or around 100.000 USD. I didn’t have that amount of money to pay up the bail but all of a sudden I was told that my bail was paid. A guard came over to my cell and opened it for me to walk out. When I walked outside I saw all of the girls except Gyuri waiting for me. Saerom came over to me with a smile and a piece of tofu in her hands.

Saerom: Welcome back on the outside. Even though you haven’t been officially in there, you should still eat some tofu.

Jahoon: Thank you very much but how did you guys know that I was going to get out today? Don’t tell me you were the one who paid my bail?

Saerom: I did say that we all stick together when you are a part of our friend group, right?

I looked at them all in disbelief and just pulled each one of them into a hug. It is an understatement that I was glad I met them. You never know what one good gesture may get you.

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