8 - questions

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After a bit of a walk, he took you into a room. It was painted completely black and it was empty. Well you thought it was until you saw loads of different materials in the corner. He walked over there and pulled out a frame with glass in it. Confused, you just looked at him and shrugged your shoulders.
'I'm testing your ability to break into different materials, now come on, do it!' Jungkook yelled.

He got out of the way and trying to knock him over, you did it as fiercely as you could. The glass smashed into loads of pieces, it didn't just crack like the one in the test room. Jungkook looked at this and smirked before kicking the frame out the way and bringing another out. The next one was like a brick wall in a frame. He ordered you to do the same thing and you did and as expected, the wall broke and crumbled to the floor.

Then you had to do it to cement, then metal and then stone.
'Stone? Bit random isn't it' You scoffed.
'That's the same stone that the entrance to the cave is made out of and if you can't break it, I will drag you back into that test room to advance your powers myself!' Jungkook shouted, walking over to you and grabbing your wrists, sharply pulling you off the ground.

'Fucking hell alright! Get off me so I can do it then!' You spat, ripping yourself from him.
He stood next to you, you could feel him staring down at you making sure you did it. You raised your arm up and cast it throughout the air directed at the stone. To your relief, the stone split in half and crumbled to the floor just as you expected. Jungkook walked over to the stone to see the damage and turned around to face you.

'Well, Y/N, it seems you are definitely coming with me on that expedition' He said in a calm tone.
Casually, he walked back over to you and took you by the shoulder, guiding you out the doors.
'Why are you so obsessed with this expedition, you haven't really told me why you are going on it or what you're looking for' You asked as you both walked through corridors.
He stopped and thought for a second.
'We will discuss it in my office' He replied.

After going up the stairs and through the doors, he sat down at his desk and told you to sit. Hesitantly, you sat down as he looked at you. Out from his drawer, he grabbed the remote and the bracelets flashed red.
If only I remembered my powers were still activated! You thought to yourself.
'So, tell me if I'm being forced on it?' You said.
'On that island in that cave, there are treasures and other riches too valuable and rare for the government not to have' Jungkook said.

But then you remembered what he had said to you.
'I don't want you ruining my chances of becoming more rich and powerful' He said.
'But like yesterday you told me about how it would make you more powerful, how does treasure make you powerful?' You asked.
He looked at you, then around, he was avoiding eye contact again.

'That's something else, I can't tell you though' He said, finally looking at you.
You just looked at him, your brow narrowed. You knew he was plotting something.
'You're up to something, aren't you?' You said, standing up slowly.
Upon seeing you like this, Jungkook stood up too and leaned over the desk.
'Am I really, Y/N?' He asked, his tone firm.
'You are acting like it, alright!' You shouted.
He stared at you and then he made his way around the desk, his boots clumping on the floor.

He stood directly in front of you, towering over with his hands clasped behind his back. His tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. You looked back up at him.
'Even if I am plotting something, it will go my way, everything does' He said, his voice deep and threatening.
He leaned down closer to you, grabbing your jaw and making you eye level with him.

You just blinked at him, speechless. What were you meant to say? It sounded like a threat, you were obviously involved in this plot in a way. Well, you were already involved in the expedition, but also Jungkook's plot he wouldn't tell you about. You decided to try and interrogate the group of 6 scientists tomorrow, maybe he told them.

He let go of your jaw and he walked towards the door.
'You're going to your room, get over here' He ordered, his foot tapping impatiently on the floor.
You rolled your eyes and walked over. He was obviously annoyed at you. As he walked briskly, you trudged behind him, trying to think of what he could be doing. You heard him sigh and you saw the black chunky boots coming your way as you stared at the floor.

His hand gripped onto the sleeve of your shirt and he began pulling you down the corridor.
'You need to learn to keep up, Y/N, this shuffling behind me is so annoying' Jungkook groaned.
'Oh, I'm sorry, lanky legs' You muttered.
He just looked at you and you shut up there.
Soon enough, you reached your room and he pushed you inside.
'11am again' Jungkook said before leaving.
'Seriously, you already found and advanced my powers, what else do you need?' You scoffed.

'Just tests, more advancing' He said.
'Or are you just stalling because you want to stay here another week to "plan"?' You mumbled.
'No Y/N, I actually need to do some more tests on you' He answered.
'Right, right' You muttered. 'But I broke that stone?' You added.
'I know you did, but that was just breaking it, I need to test the other two powers' Jungkook explained.

'Right, got it' You said, walking over to the bathroom.
'We might leave in the original one week if you are ready, but if you aren't, then we stay' He added, before shutting the door and locking it.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now