39 - fled

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You opened the wooden door, Aveline and Namjoon following closely behind, and you advanced up the cobblestone steps. Even though you didn't feel nervous, your stomach felt all twisted and your heart was racing. After finally reaching the top of the stairs, you kept low as you peeked up as the stair led right into the open, no door way or anything, the stairs literally went into the floor underground.

Anyways, there was nobody there so you all quickly ran, making your way towards the huge hall entrance.
'Where is everybody?'  Aveline mumbled.
'No clue, but I don't like it'  Namjoon replied.
As soon as he said that, a huge hive of agents started coming your way so stumbling around you all dipped behind one of the huge marble pillars.
'Jungkook sent a message, he is arriving back in about ten minutes'  One of them said.
You all instantly stared at eachother, eyes wide and jaws dropped.

The agents quickly left and you all finally breathed.
'Ten minutes?! We need to hurry!'  You cried.
Sprinting through the empty marble hallways and corridors, you finally reached the entrance. Running up to the huge doors, you tugged on the door handles but they were locked.
'Good thing I can do this!'  You smirked.
Casting your arm, the lock twisted sharply and the door handles opened by themselves, the doors flinging open.
'Well come on!'  Aveline shouted.
You all ran outside into the open, aiming for the golden gate.

Suddenly, Namjoon dragged you both behind a bush and ducked down.
'Guards, Y/N, you can take them out right?'  He asked.
Staring at the five guards on patrol, you thought about it.
'Of course, come on'  You said, emerging from the bush.
Casually strutting up to the gate with Aveline and Namjoon by your sides, you cast your arm and the gates flew open. The guards turned around confused but upon seeing you they were more confused.

'Princess? Why aren't you all in the dungeon and how did you get the gate open?!'  One asked, all of them pointing their guns at you.
'No comment, and those guns, are you really going to shoot the princess?'  You scoffed.
'We can shoot the other two'  Another replied.
'I'd like to see you fucking try!'  Aveline screamed.
She ran up to one of them and kicked him in his balls, making him haul over and groan in pain. They all pointed their guns at her and you cast your arm upwards and sent their guns flying in the air.

'Oh, I forgot his majesty told us his sister had powers'  One of them sighed.
Instantly they all rushed over to you and tried to tackle you all onto the floor but a swift cast of the arm and all of them were on the ground.
'Y/N, we don't have a lot of time left!'  Namjoon shouted.
'Right!'  You shouted.
Looking at all of them scrambling to get up, you used your telekinesis to send them flying across the floor, past you three and towards the palace.

'RUN!'  You cried.
Dashing out the gate, you all shoved it closed and you used your powers to secure its locks. The guards rushed up to the gate and tried to pull it open. Laughing at their desperate efforts, you all ran away into the woods. Suddenly, bright car lights flooded your vision and instinct kicked in, basically you flopped to the floor and hid. Peeking from around a tree stump, you saw three black vans making their way back to the palace.
'Wonder what will happen when he finds out we are gone'  Namjoon giggled.

Jungkook's POV
As we approached the gate, I noticed there were no guards outside of it, it wasn't even time for them to leave their stations yet. That's when I noticed them inside the actual driveway, trying to open the gate. When they finally opened it, the driver parked and I got out of the car.
'What happened? Why are you all here and not out there?'  I asked.
'It's the princess, your majesty'  One of them said.
I immediately felt annoyed, that sister of mine seriously can't act right for one second.

'Come inside, gentlemen'  I muttered, walking inside the palace.
After changing into my inside chunky boots and throwing my jacket into some servant's face, I brought these guards to the boardroom as other agents accompanied.
'What did Y/N do now?'  I sighed, waiting for some annoying little rebellious act.
'She, uh, well...'  One stuttered.
'Surely it can't be that bad now spit it out!'  I groaned.
'She escaped, your majesty'  One of them finally answered.

My eyes widened and I stared directly at the guard.
'Escaped? As in into the public?'  I asked.
'That's right, your majesty, she took the other two with her'  He replied, shuffling on the spot.
Shit.  I thought
'Did she use her powers?'  I muttered.
He nodded his head.
'SHIT!'  I shouted outloud, making everyone jump.  'Where did she go?!'
'Into the woods, sir'  He replied.
'Organise a pursuit team immediately, I want every man and woman in the force looking for those three'  I demanded.

Three agents ran out the room, talking into their radios. Calming down, I straightened my tie and adjusted my blazer.
'Thank you for the info, gentlemen, you may go for the evening'  I said, calmly smiling at them.
'Are you sure?-'
'Just go!'  I yelled.
They quickly filtered out the room with the rest of the agents, leaving me alone. I slammed my fist down onto the table, knowing that Y/N now had her powers and she could do anything, including getting to the island and turning off the power system.

I dug my face into my hands, thinking about what to do next. The pursuit team was already organised, but then I realised something. The whole country was under my control, EVERYONE. That meant EVERYONE can be on the lookout and bring me them back, most importantly Y/N. But she has her powers, she could take anyone out. It was still worth a try so I went up to my room as normal and prepared to make the big speech in the morning. As I got out of my suit and placed it with all my others suits, I realised the remote wasn't where I hid it.

'They definitely have it..'  I groaned to myself as I slumped down in bed.
But I wasn't worried really, I always get my way, and Y/N doesn't really stand a chance against me.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now