19 - alliance

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'Oh yeah, I'll be coming to get you at 3:30 in the morning, awake or not'  Jungkook said before finally walking down the corridor.
Agitated, you just slumped down on the bed. It was still so early in the day, the clock said 10:18. It was so boring being locked in your room for the entire day, not being allowed to see anyone or leave. Occasionally, one of the scientists would check on you through a little window in your door they could slide shut, whenever they did you would just give them the middle finger.

At one point you were sprawled out across the floor, just laying there out of complete boredom. The time was 16:29, 6 whole hours had gone by and all you did was swear at the scientists, lay in bed or on the floor. Suddenly, you heard the opening of the window slide open. Namjoon peered in and before he slid it shut you ran over to the door. On your tiptoes, you stared right back at him before asking him something.

'Will you be there on the island tomorrow?' You asked.
'Yeah, why?' He replied.
He was the nicest scientist out of the whole 6 who tested on you so you immediately tried to open up to him.
'Jungkook is planning something bad for the island, like, BAD' You began.
'What do you mean?' He inquired.
'Like some sort of power control or takeover, whatever' You replied.

He stepped back from the window a little bit, before stepping back up.
'A power control? That can't be possible...' Namjoon muttered.
'What do you mean not possible?' You said.
'Is he planning to get in the underground chamber?' He asked.
You nodded your head as Namjoon stood there, staring at the floor as if he was thinking.
'Nobody can get in there, not without the sonic device' He said.
'He has it!' You cried.

'He has it?!' Namjoon yelled.
'Yes! He's forcing me down there with him incase the power supply runs out halfway through' You shrieked.
Namjoon stared at you confused.
'The power supply down there never runs out?'.
You froze.
'It never runs out, or stops, or even pauses. It's consistent. It never needs recharging, once its powered on it STAYS on' Namjoon explained.
'So, w-why does he need me down there with him..?' You stuttered.

'I, I don't know?' Namjoon said.
'You can't let me go down there with him! Please, Namjoon!' You begged.
His brow narrowed and he put his hand up to his chin. Staring at him, he finally looked back up at you.
'Alright fine, I'll help you, Y/N' He sighed.
'What will we do then?' You asked.
'On the island, when you have finished opening it all up and the cave open, we can make a run for it on the boat' Namjoon planned.

'So we leave everyone on the island with no way back except swimming or calling for another boat?' You asked.
He nodded his head.
'I like that plan!' You chuckled.
Namjoon was laughing aswell, and you really wondered about him.
'Do you even like your job here?' You said.
'Not really, no, I'm just here because my father wanted me too' He groaned.
'What did you think the job was gonna be like?' You asked.

'Just usual lab activities, but no it was far worse' He grimaced.
'What do you mean?' You asked.
'I should've known there was gonna be human subjects to do tests on, this is a government lab after all' He said.
'Human experiments what?!- Why am I shocked I literally get experimented on?' You shrugged. 'But I haven't seen any other human like test subjects here?'.

'When Jungkook heard of a young teenage girl who had powers, he immediately deemed everyone "useless" and cleared them all out, just for you' Namjoon explained.
'Useless... does that mean he was trying to give these people powers to open the cave?!' You shouted.
Namjoon nodded his head.
'You should've heard him..'

Namjoon's Flashback
'Sir, there's been a, let's say "breakthrough" in the Aruna case' Jin said.
'What is it then?' Jungkook sighed, taking a sip of whisky.
'We no longer need any more humans to try and enhance' Yoongi began.
'Just now, a teenage girl has been confirmed to have real powers, actual abilities that could be extremely useful for Aruna' Taehyung announced.
Jungkook immediately slammed his glass onto the desk.
'Is this true?!' He shouted.
'Just watch the video' Hoseok said, giving him a laptop.

'JUST GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM US!'  The laptop sounded.
The video was CCTV footage of Y/N with Aveline as she confronted the police. Jungkook's eyes lit up instantly after seeing Y/N cast everyone to the ground, the camera shaking from pressure.
'What's this girl's name?'  He asked.
'Y/N, she lives at the home for troubled'  Jimin answered.
'I want this girl brought to me right now, she will help us on Aruna whether she likes it or not!'  Jungkook shrieked, standing up. 'Oh, and someone get those other humans out of here, they're USELESS!'  He added.

Back to reality...
'Jesus christ...'  You sighed.
'He was willing to search to the end of the world for you, he wanted you that badly'  Namjoon said.
'What happened to all those poor people?'  You asked.
He shrugged.
'Nobody knows..'
'So, after all that, why do you think he wants to keep me down in the chamber with him?'  You said.

'Probably to feel powerful and in control, to let you know that he in a way is more powerful than you'  He guessed.
'But then, he might not want you back in public or in the lab incase you escape again, cos he knows that if you are stuck in the chamber with him you won't go anywhere'.
You dug your face into your palms and just took it all in.
'Namjoon, you HAVE to help me on the island, I can't stay down there with him'  You mumbled.

'I'm gonna help you, Y/N, I won't let you stay with him'  Namjoon said.  'I know how crazy he can get when he's in control'.
'Exactly, I just can't!'  You cried.
'Don't panic, you aren't staying with him'  He said. 'Now I need to go now, bye Y/N, and don't worry!'.
He walked away down the corridor and your nerves were all calm, but then your stomach dropped. Looking through the small window, there was the CCTV camera. With sound recording too. Jungkook could've been listening to everything.

What if he did something to Namjoon? Millions of questions buzzed through your mind but you decided just to let them all go and go to sleep. It was only 17:02 but if you were gonna be woken up at 3:30am, you wanted a good few hours rest. Especially because you needed a lot of energy for tomorrow on Aruna.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now