13 - friendship

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The old man stared at the gun, before sighing and sitting down at the table. He switched on a light and started grabbing the tiny parts of the device, his hands quivering.
'I think you can put that down now, you dickhead'  You spat.
Jungkook, who was pointing the gun at the man still, just glared at you.
'Do I need to lock you in the van for the entire time?'  He snarled.
'No, but I'm just saying shoving a gun in the guy's face won't make him work any faster'  You protested.

Jungkook still glared at you, but slowly put the pistol back in his pocket.
'Don't think of anything funny though'  He threatened.
The man who was still trembling a bit finally relaxed and looked over his shoulder, mouthing the words 'thank you'. You smiled back.
'Why do you even need this anyways?'  The man asked.
'That's none of your concern'  Jungkook snapped.

'It should be, he is making it for you'  You shrugged.
'The young lady has a point'  The man said.
'I don't need you distracting him, just sit there and be quiet'  Jungkook muttered, getting down in your face.
You just pulled a face at him as he got up and walked back over to the man. Peering over, you saw the man assembling parts of this sonic device together, it almost looked like a little torch, however it was sonic. Jungkook tapped his foot impatiently, causing the guy to hurry up a bit.

Suddenly, an agent burst in.
'Sir, we found the card, however he has it secured behind lasers'  The agent said.
'We have the stuff, get it out the vans'  Jungkook replied.
Him and the agent where about to leave but then he stopped.
'You two better not cause any trouble when I'm gone, is that clear?'  Jungkook asked.
'Oh yeah, for sure'  You said.
He gave you a look before leaving the room. It was just you and this mysterious stranger in the room.

Getting up, you walked over to the table and sat next to him.
'How do you know what you're doing?'  You asked, amazed at his talent.
'I have always had a knack for building stuff, especially when I was your age'  He replied as he clipped together two tiny parts.
'I would've crushed those'  You giggled.
The man let out a wheezing chuckle as he continued his work. You rested your arms on the desk and the man started at them.

'My gosh, why is a child like you in handcuffs?'  He asked in shock
'Oh, Jungkook doesn't trust me enough'  You answered, looking down at them.
'Are you from the lab then, I'm assuming?'  The man asked.
You nodded your head.
'What was your name, sorry?'  You asked.
'Oh, my name is Alfred, and yourself?'  He replied.
'Y/N'  You replied.

Alfred stopped what he was doing and looked at you.
'Y/N, you mean the Y/N?'  He asked, bewildered.
'Is that name known?'  You said, confused.
'You have been all over! Yes... yes I recognise you now!'  He cried.
'Where do you recognise me from?'  You inquired.
'Oh, sorry, the news'  Alfred finally replied.
'The news?'  You muttered.

'Footage of you from nearly a week ago, in town, using powers'  He explained.
He grabbed a TV remote and switched on a small screen in the corner. It showed yours and Aveline's faces on the screen.
'The girl on the right here has been discovered as Y/N. She is pictured with her friend, Aveline, on the left. This was moments just before Y/N showed us that superpowers don't exist in just the movies'  The news reporter said.

It then showed a clip of the moment you swung your arm at the police, instead, knocking everyone over. The pressure you remember literally shook the cctv camera that had captured the recording.
'It is seen that after a swift cast of the arm, she is able to knock everybody onto the floor, even disrupting the camera's recording' 
'You see? Everyone knows who you are! Y/N, the girl with powers out of this world'  Alfred cried.
'It is believed she has been transported to the government lab, so scientists can get a better understanding on how Y/N got these powers in the first place and then helping her in managing them'  The new's reporter announced.

You scoffed at this, Alfred looked up at you.
'Lies, that's not what they did at all!'  You shouted.
You then explained to Alfred that all they did was discover more powers you had then advanced them to be more powerful. He was just as annoyed as you.
'Filthy government, I hate them!'  He cursed. 'If it was up to me, I would get this sonic device and shove it right up their poxy assholes!'.
He suddenly began violating Jungkook and the government and you couldn't take it anymore.
Immediately, you spluttered out into laughter and Alfred joined you with his wheezing teapot one. The both of you were just uncontrollably laughing and slamming your fists down on the table, but then the door opened.

'What are you two doing?'  Jungkook spat.
You both just stared at him, still laughing as if you were both bestfriends. Jungkook just stared at you both, a confused look across his face.
'Look, just hurry up, we are leaving soon!'  Jungkook shouted, stuttering a bit.
He left the room again and you both finally simmered down. Wiping tears from your face, you finally let Alfred continue.
'So, Y/N, can you show me your powers?'  Alfred asked.
'I wish, but I have these bracelets on'  You showed him the large metal things secured around your wrists.

'I could probably take those off'  He said. 'Finally! Done!'  He added, showing off the sonic device.
Alfred then got up, you stood up too and he looked at your bracelets.
'I'm sure I have the thing around here somewhere...'  He mumbled, rummaging through boxes.
Alfred then pulled out some weird magnet thing.
'Magnetic locks, right?'  He asked.
You nodded your head.

'One minute, lets just do this...'  Alfred held up the magnet to your cuffs but the door slammed open and someone sharply wrapped their arm around your neck, pulling you into a headlock.
'I said no trouble, didn't I?!' Jungkook shouted.
'Oh my god!'  You yelled, startled and trying to pull him off.
'Give me the sonic device'  Jungkook asked firmly.
Alfred sighed and handed him the sonic device. Jungkook smirked and continued to hold you tightly even though you struggled.

Dragging you out the door, he slammed it behind him and pulled you outside. You saw him slip the sonic device into his pocket before facing the agents.
'Where's the card?'  He asked.
An agent gave him the card and he put it in his pocket too.
'Let's move out'  Jungkook ordered.
He finally released you from the headlock and shoved you inside the van. He was just mad you nearly got your powers back because he knew how bad that could end up.

The agent and Jungkook got into the front seats and immediately started driving off. You stared out the window, looking at the small cottage before driving too far away you couldn't even see it anymore. You groaned as you laid down on the whole row of seats, slapping your palms on your face. You already missed Alfred, he was just a sweet old man who didn't know what the sonic device would make him end up in. You just laid there for the entire journey back, not knowing what else to do.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now