24 - captured

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Sighing, you looked at the huge boulder, knowing everyone was counting on you to open it. Jungkook pulled you over and stood you right infront of it. He then slowly backed away, his eyes glued onto you. The bracelets flashed green and now everyone was staring at you, just waiting.
'Do it, Y/N'  Jungkook demanded.
You looked down at your hands and slowly lifted your palm up to the boulder.

Steading yourself, you stared at the boulder and swiftly cast your arm. To everyone's relief, it worked. The boulder crumbled into bits and now you just had to get past the rock wall. Here goes, the moment you have been prepared for. You focused all the energy into your palm and cast your arm. The wall immediately broke and shattered into rubble, revealing the inside of the cave. Just as Jungkook said, there was treasure everywhere. Jewellery, golden coins and statues, huge diamonds and stones, just basically everything. Suddenly, the bracelets flashed red again.

'Just get everything you can and load it onto the ship'  Jungkook ordered.
As he made this announcement, you slipped away quick so he couldn't drag you down into the chamber just yet. Covering your face, you vanished into the crowd but decided to stay as far away as you could from the cave, instead you went to explore the huge island. You walked into a little pocket of the island, covered in pink and blue hydrangeas. It was so beautiful, the kind of place you and Aveline would take pictures.

There was a stream full of crystal clear water that slowly made its way around the place too and drifting in it were beautiful lilypads, some blooming with flowers. There were also colourful fish swimming around in it too, vibrant and tiny, you squealed upon seeing them because they were just adorable. You decided to advance on and see what else you could find.

As you looked around, you spotted a dark tunnel with a flight of stairs. Unbothered by literally anything that could be down there, you strolled over and hopped down them. It was really dark, until you stepped inside fully. A purple light suddenly emitted from nowhere and you looked around. Huge purple crystals stuck out from the ceiling and the floor, basically everywhere you stepped. You spent a good few minutes in there because it was just so aesthetically pleasing, way better than what you had to face outside.

However, you finally decided to leave and made your way back to the cave, hoping to run to the ship after. There were military people and agents guarding everywhere, so you had to be sneaky. You hid in all the bushes, avoiding all of them. Everyone was also rushing around on the ship, heaving all sorts of treasure onto it.
'Greedy little twats'  You whispered to yourself.
Suddenly, realisation came in and you had no idea where Jungkook was, which was never good.

But anyways, you continued to try and atleast get near the ship, you wanted to get on it and just leave. But you still needed a remote. It was all too much, so you just decided to focus on getting closer to the ship. Advancing, you were pretty close, but then a huge group of agents were coming your way. Pure panic, you raced inside the cave and hid in it. Surprisingly, it was empty, probably because everyone was on the ship or outside.

The coast was clear, so you slowly began leaving the cave. But then, your heart dropped when you heard the sound of clumping boots quickly coming up behind you. You tried to break out into a sprint but his arm strongly locked around your neck, thrusting you into him. His free hand grabbed both of your wrists and held them down before you could punch him.
'It's 8pm, Y/N, you know what that means?!'  Jungkook yelled.
'LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING PSYCHO'  You screamed, trying to get away from him.
'SHUSH Y/N, now let's go'  He said casually.

He began dragging you towards this certain corner. You tried to get your arms free but he held on with all his strength. Panting, you finally stopped struggling because it wasn't really working and even if you did get free, he would come after you. Hidden away, there was this huge metal door. Jungkook let go of one your wrists, but firmly held the other one.
'Open it, Y/N!'  He shouted.
'Fuck you bitch!'  You yelled back.
'OPEN IT'  He demanded, his grip around your neck tightening.

'Okay, okay!'  You cried.
He loosened his grip but still held you tightly, not letting you go yet. He reached for his pocket and clicked the remote, the green light flashing as always. You quickly cast your arm and the door's lock twisted, the door sliding open. Suddenly, you realised one of your arms was free so you were about to cast it but he quickly restrained your arm.
'Don't you even dare'  Jungkook threatened.
'Just get off me!'  You pleaded.
'No chance'  He replied.

You both entered the door and the second part was like a really tall gate. Letting go of your wrist, he ordered you to cast your arm, so you did. It flung open and Jungkook began chuckling to himself, definitely getting excited.
'I need the sonic device, shit, where did I put it?!' He shouted, reaching into his pockets.
He immediately took a sigh of relief as he took it out his inside pocket. Your arms were free but you locked them onto Jungkook's arm, trying to pry it away from your neck.
'Stop struggling, Y/N!' He yelled.
'Of course I'm gonna fucking struggle!' You shouted back.

He just scoffed at you and continued to drag you towards the next part. This part was probably the most important bit, to him anyways. It was a gigantic metal door thing, same height as the gate but a door. His hands shaking, Jungkook held the sonic device tightly to the point his knuckles were turning white. You stared at them, literally scared because how he was acting at that moment. Suddenly, he thrusted you from under his chin to the side of him, his arm still strongly locked around your neck.

He held the sonic device up to this huge lock thing and he clicked a button on the device, the blue light emitting. It then flashed green and the door immediately parted open. Looking up at Jungkook, he had the most evil but excited look on his face. He was staring inside the room which was just full of weird technology stuff and the giant power system. Jungkook dragged you inside and he shut the huge door, leaving it as just you and him.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now