38 - geniuses

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Namjoon reached his arm through the iron bars and searched for the lock and when he found it, he stuck the key in and twisted it. The lock opened and he pushed the cell door open. He immediately freed you and Aveline and honestly nobody had any idea of what to do.
'Shouldn't we plan our escape before we actually do anything?'  You asked.
'That's probably a good idea'  Namjoon agreed.
'Right then, let's get to it'  Aveline said.

You then all just stood there, nobody actually had any idea of what to do.
'Actually let's just escape' You said.
You all slowly opened the thick wooden door and crept up the cobblestone. Going first, you peeked your head around them and it was clear so you all ran out.
'Let's go to my room'  You mumbled.
You all ran there and you quietly shut the door and you all jumped onto the bed. Suddenly, you heard the huge golden gate creek open.

Rushing over to the window, you saw three black vans leaving the palace, so Jungkook was gone. You quickly clambered back onto the bed.
'So are we properly escaping, like the palace and out into the wild?' Aveline asked.
'We have too, we need to get to the island to shut everything down' Namjoon replied.
'We need to find a way to get these bracelets off then, I need my powers' You sighed, staring at them. 'Kinda forgot about them, we need a remote'
'Does Jungkook have one?' Aveline said.
You nodded your head.

'Maybe it's in his room, we could search for it?' Namjoon thought.
'YES, then we activate my powers, escape and hopefully get to the island!' You shouted.
'YEAH, wait what about a boat?' Aveline asked.
'At the dock there are loads, we can just steal one' You said.
The plan was in place, now all you had to do was actually carry it out.
'What happens to Jungkook then? Everyone kind of thinks he's the king right now' Namjoon asked.

'I'm not sure, probably get arrested' You shrugged.
'And pray he doesn't get back out again' Aveline giggled.
Then you remembered, that's your brother. As much as you hated him and the way he treated you, he was still your brother. Namjoon noticed something was up.
'Y/N, we know he is your brother, but he isn't a good one' He straight up said.
'That's true-'
'I could make a list, ready?' Aveline interrupted.

'He kidnapped you like thousands of times, experimented on you, keeps you locked up and sometimes in handcuffs, forced you on an expedition, wanted to keep you on the island in an underground chamber forever, brainwashed absolutely everyone, threw you in that dungeon so many times and doesn't let you leave'.
She stopped to cough but you just chuckled at her.
'Thanks Ave, I get it now' You giggled.
'See? He treats you like a prisoner, so you might aswell make him one after all this is sorted out' Namjoon said.
'You're right, I have nothing to feel bad for' You said.

After that, you all decided to start the plan before Jungkook got back. You got off the bed and peeked your head around the door.
'Coast is clear' You mumbled.
The other two ran over and Namjoon went out and ran up more stairs to get to Jungkook's room. Giving you the okay sign, he entered his room and quietly shut the door. Now, it was yours and Aveline's cue.
'Ready?!' Aveline cried, excited.
'You know it!' You shouted.
Running down the marble stairs into the main entrance, you both immediately started laughing and shouting and just acting like idiots to get the agent's attention.

Suddenly a group of agent's and guards rushed over.
'How did you two get out?' One asked.
'Squeezed through the iron bars and popped right out' You replied.
'Opened the wooden door, walked up the stairs and here we are!' Aveline added.
'You two need to get back in, is Namjoon out aswell?' An agent asked.
'Who bloody knows what that man is up too these days' You scoffed.
'You are going to have to come with us until Jungkook is back' A guard said.

They all started approaching you and swiped out to grab you both.
'GOTTA RUN SORRY' You shouted.
Suddenly you and Aveline dashed up the stairs and started zooming around every corridor, every hallway, every room and every flight of stairs, the agents and guards chasing you but to no luck at all. You had to keep them busy until Namjoon came out Jungkook's room with the remote, but it was taking him a while. Aveline ran next to you as you both raced through a corridor, about 6 agents and guards on your tail.

'I don't know how much longer I can run for!' Aveline panted.
'Neither, we need to take cover somewhere!' You spluttered, struggling to breathe.
Bursting through a door at the end of the corridor, you entered a large hall with loads of different rooms. You both ran to a random door and kicked it open, shutting and locking it behind you. Hiding behind a drawer, you both panted and tried to cool off from all the running.
'He HAS to be done now' Aveline coughed.
'I'm sure Jungkook didn't hide it that well' You added, clutching your chest.
Outside you could hear the agents and guards talking and going in and out of rooms, they then violently shook the door handle for your room and you both froze, staring at eachother.

'This one's locked' Someone said.
'Come on, theres another corridor at the end, they probably went down there' Another person said.
Their footsteps advanced further away, then you heard a door open then slam shut.
'Let's get out of here' Aveline said.
Going out the room, you briskly walked back down the corridor and then onto the stairs, heading for Jungkook's room. Finally reaching it, you opened the door to Namjoon putting something in his pocket.
'Did you find it?' You asked.
He pulled the remote out of his pocket before quickly shoving it back in.
'Of course I did?' He replied, a smug look on his face.
'Show off, now come on, let's get thrown in the dungeon!' Aveline scoffed.

Walking back down multiple marble stairs, you reached the entrance and out of nowhere a large group of guards surrounded you.
'Here we go..' Namjoon muttered.
'You all are going back into the dungeon, right now' One said.
As expected, everyone was dragged back down into it and locked up in the cells. As their footsteps clumped back up the cobblestone stairs, Namjoon pulled the remote out his pocket and clicked the button, the beautiful flash of green lighting up the dim cell.

'That's what I fucking like to see!' You yelled, casting the bracelets off.
Swiping your arm in the air, the cell doors flung open and you all walked out of them.
'We are literally invincible now!' Aveline laughed, hugging you.
'Oh Ave!' You giggled back.
Suddenly, you were both crushed by Namjoon as he picked you both up off the floor, suffocating you both in a bear hug.
'Agh, Namjoon, too tight!' Aveline spluttered.
'Right, sorry!' Namjoon chuckled, placing you both down.

Just as you were all about to leave yet again, Namjoon put his hand on your shoulder and turned you around to face him.
'I just wanna say I'm sorry for you know all the experiments, I did tell Jungkook I wanted nothing to do with it but I was kind of forced, I never wanted to experiment on you..' He mumbled.
'Oh Namjoon it's fine! I'm grateful really, without the experiments my powers wouldn't be, well, powerful, so don't worry!' You laughed.
He smiled at you and Aveline opened the wooden door.
'Let's do thissss' She sung.

Head of the Lab - a jungkook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now